The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 13th, 2009

August 13th, 2009

Fic: Retro fest fic, Part Three

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Title: Marriage a la Mode, 3/????
Pairing: Snape/Lupin, implied Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17 for this section
Canonicity: this is compatible only through GoF, since Sirius Black is alive.
Summary: the Dark Lord has decided that Severus should marry and has chosen the bride. Little does he know that she is not what she appears….
Warning: mpreg, gender switch, maiesiophilia, fantasy.

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Fest rules!

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'Tis the season to start thinking about winter holiday fests (not just Snupin Santa, either!), and so I thought I'd share a link to [info]r_becca's guide to participating in fests, which has useful, practical advice for anyone considering participating in a fest.

Also, I'd like to remind everyone to read the rules before signing up on Monday! The rules have been changed slightly from previous years, so please read them rather than ignoring or skimming them!

The Snupin Santa 2009 rules are here on LJ and here on IJ.

Art recs

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This is a massive art rec ! I was planning to rec some of the artists separately but then, considering my chronicle lack of time, I decide to rec of the artistes of my deviantart favourite’s pages (mods, if you consider that I am recing something personal although none of the arts are mine, feel free to delete this message).
Those are all Snupin related arts. Please, take the time to look at them. Even if some must be well known to most of you there are some little gems that never appeared in LJ or IJ (as far as I know at least…). It is the case for example of wandarer3 and I just love what she is doing. My favourite is this one
but don’t miss the other ones!
She has also very nice Snack pieces if you are interest.
PS: if you cannot see some of the arts it is because they are mature materials and therefore you must register to deviantart because you really can’t miss those ;) and it is free! After that you will be able to see everything. It is worst it. Believe me!

Mid-month round-up!

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First, if you missed it, the Snupineer Fun Time Activity book is now available for download. Kudos and thanks to [info]drusillas_rain for putting it together!

The August Rec Event is on-going, and there are still open days! You can also sign up for a second day OR have more than one person on the same day, so if a day you want is already claimed, go ahead and ask for it anyway! More info and the sign-up calendar are here on IJ and here on LJ.

The Retro Fest is on-going as well! The deadline for posting art or stories for the Retro Fest is August 31, so there's still time!

The community has been given a slight make-over; if you look at the main page (IJ, LJ), you'll see a new "current community events" blurb, which mirrors the information on the community profile page. Don't forget to check the newly updated sidebar on the main page as well! The sidebar can be your first useful stop when you're looking for links.

Don't forget! Snupin Santa sign-ups open on Monday! (Although it may be Tuesday for some of you in earlier time zones than Santa). Sign-ups will run through August 24. The sign-up post will be mirrored on both IJ and LJ.

And if you want a teaser for up-coming community events, let's just say it might be a good idea to think of recipes Snape and Lupin might like best or that you associate with Snupin.

In other news, the thematic lists have been updated with the Occlumency/Legilimency list.

Reminder - don't forget to use our tags! The tag list for Ij is here and the tag list for LJ is here. You can click the "edit tag" button on your post and choose whichever tags you need from the list after you post your entry, or you can type them in manually if your LJ posting client has a tag option..

And finally, [info]lore will be hosting a ship chat! The chat will begin at 3:00 PM on Saturday, August 15 in the IRC chatroom. For information about how to access the chatroom, see the instruction post: IJ, LJ. If you want to get help brainstorming for your Retro Fest work or for your Snupin Santa prompts, or you just want to talk about Snupin, feel free to drop by!
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