The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 26th, 2007

November 26th, 2007

This Is Totally Not a Fic Search Post

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Alright, alright, I lied. If this is discouraged here, I would be happy to take it down. I'm looking for a story I can barely remember - the main focus of the plot is that Severus has been captured by the Death Eaters, tortured, and Lucius has completely castrated him. This somehow results in him being in a relationship with Remus. I don't know who it's by or when it was written or where I read it... has anyone heard of it?

Fic (g) Change of Heart?

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Title: Change of Heart?
Rating: G
Pairing: SS/RL
Disclaimer: Not mine.. sadly.
Wordcount: 686 approx..
Warning: Discussion of Mpreg. AU.. seriously.. as everyone either in it or referred to died in
Notes: This is another in what I suppose has turned into a series..though I've no idea what to call it. Thought I'd better sneak it in before the Snupin Santa started.

Cross posted to LJ.

Change of Heart? )

Snupin Meta Reposted From my Old Blogathon Posts (LONG)

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Back in July, I wrote a series of posts on Remus, Severus, and the draw of Snupin for my Blogathon posts. After which, I promised to clean them up a bit for spelling and grammar and post them to the L_S comm to share. Then, I promptly moved my site to a new host and spent the next several months rebuilding everything.

With this month's theme being Meta, it seems like a good time to finally post these.

To explain the set-up a bit, what follows here are three mini-'essays'. Each 'essay' consists of four posts written within 20 -25 minutes in order to make a deadline of a new post every 30 minutes with no pre-writing. These were written during my initial growly period over DH and contain only what references to canon 'chapter and verse' as I could manage to locate within the alloted writing time. Luckily for all of us, these were all written before the dreaded 'eighteenth hour' when my brain habitually shuts down and struggles to form coherent sentences during the last six hours of the event.

I have included them all in one post to prevent spamming the comm all at once. (I might have posted them separately over the next couple days, but I have company arriving on Friday and cannot guarantee when I'll be able to post again during the attempts to get ready between now and then.)


Remus Lupin, A Brief Character Study )

Severus Snape, a Brief Character Study )

Why Snupin Works For Me )
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