The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

November 27th, 2007

November 27th, 2007

Chocolate & Asphodel, volume 1

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Without further ado....

Chocolate and Asphodel has arrived!

The long-awaited Snupin Fanzine is now available! It's 219 pages cover-to-cover, and there are several full-colour pieces of art, as well as graphic stories, the debut of a doujinshi group, and other art and fic in a range of ratings.

Contributors to the zine include: [info]busaikko, [info]karasu_hime, [info]bronze_ribbons, [info]mnemosyne_1, [info]ebonyserpent, [info]scribbulus_ink, [info]arionrhod, [info]xterm, [info]stasia, [info]innerslytherin, [info]firefly_quill, [info]isilidurs_babe, [info]ellid, [info]neodandiesrule, and more!

Chocolate and Asphodel is a free download in Adobe PDF format, available as a whole, or in parts for those who are on slower connections.

Chocolate and Asphodel

one file, 50MB
To download directly, Right-Click and choose "Save Target As"
or "download link", etc. ~SUGGESTED~
To download in your browser, left-click
your mouse as normal.

If you have any questions or spot any glaring errors or omissions, please let us know! I know the editors and contributors worked hard on this, and we all hope you enjoy it!

You can leave feedback for the contributors on this post.

Volume 2 is out now!

Moonshadow update

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The following stories were added to Moonshadow, the Snape/Lupin archive, during the past week:

That Dare Not Speak Its Name (26 K) by arionrhod
Runic Rhymes (21 K) by arionrhod
A Close Shave (17 K) by Schemingreader

The archive is located at
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