The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 20th, 2007

October 20th, 2007

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Title: Things Left Unsaid
Word Count: 328
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Dumbledore, Snape, off camera Lupin
Beta’d by the lovely and talented </a></strong></a>[info]blpaintchart
Authors Notes: Don’t know if this qualifies as Snupiny enough but it popped into my head this morning after I read JKR’s gay revelation. I understand if it must be deleted.

Week Three: It's not over yet!

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Just because it's the weekend, don't think you can sneak off and enjoy yourselves! Oh no.
There is some more Snupin that needs your attention.
No more Top Trumps (Boo!) But some Snupin playing cards hiding here (Hooray!)

Today's story is longer than the previous Week Three postings, so why not treat yourself to a nice milky drink?
But, as they say, never mind the length, missus, feel the quality!

Today's fic is brought to you by the letters TV, and by the number 69

Title: The Best Stays of Our Lives.
Author: blpaintchart
Type: Fiction
Length: 3000 words approx
Pairings: SS/RL HP/GW
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Written for the prompt "The not-so-posthumous Order of Merlin" at the comm. snape_after_dh. Apologies if you've already read it there. Why not take another look at the pretty cards instead?
Is it true that our heroes owe their lives to their cross-dressing kink? Corset is!
Notes: Thanks and scrummy Snapely kisses to my lovely assistant westernredcedar, for knocking this into shape.

FICTION: Reunion

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Title: Reunion
Author: Irena Candy
Pairing: SS/RL
Word Count: 840
Rating: G
Summary: After the end, a new beginning.
Disclaimer: Anything that you recognize is the property of J.K. Rowling. Everything else is the product of this fan's imagination.
Warning(s): none

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