The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 19th, 2007

October 19th, 2007

Week Three: Friday Fun!

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Well, it's nearly the end of the working week, and to celebrate that fact, I bring you some Friday fun!
Firstly, I would like, if I may, to share my Snape and Lupin Top Trump Cards.  Woot!
Here they are, hiding at my LJ

Now we've got that silliness over and done with, let's bring on today's story:

It's called 'Game Over' but I don't want you getting the wrong idea, and crying yourselves into a fit: Week Three ain't over yet!  What fabulous treasures will the weekend postings hold?  Who knows? (We haven't finished writing one of them yet!)
But, I digress.  Here is today's daft:

Title:  Game Over
Author:  blpaintchart
Rating:  PG
Word count:  100 x 6



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