- 2nd
- 05:06 am: lore Spoiler Fest Pimp
04:43 pm: karasu_hime Chatty Chat!
- 4th
- 11:22 am: irena_candy ART: Love Transcends Death (G) - 6 throaty groans
07:27 pm: serpenscript Chat and Plot bunnies
- 5th
- 09:14 pm: irena_candy ART: Kama Sutra (G) - 6 throaty groans
- 6th
- 02:00 am: snupin_santa Snupin Santa updates - assignments, preference posts, relocation
- 9th
- 01:53 pm: scribbulus_ink Art donation?
- 11th
- 08:42 pm: lore Lupin/Snape Fanart Mood Theme! - 3 throaty groans
09:02 pm: lore Snupin Calendar, July 2007 - June 2009 - 2 throaty groans
11:04 pm: innerslytherin Requests for bymoonlight membership
- 13th
- 08:18 pm: lore Chatty....
- 14th
- 11:28 am: bitterfic The Depths We Fall To
- 17th
- 06:54 pm: snupin_mods Thematic List #1: Werewolf Pack
- 21st
- 06:06 pm: scribbulus_ink In the chatroom
- 22nd
- 02:37 pm: lore Two Reminders: Chat today and *spoiler* Fest
- 23rd
- 11:28 pm: lore Mod Post: Moving Primary Activity to InsaneJournal - 7 throaty groans
- 25th
- 10:55 am: scribbulus_ink Resource reminder
- 30th
- 09:03 am: ellid Fic: War Wounds, Part IV - 14 throaty groans
09:13 pm: scribbulus_ink RPG moving house!
09:39 pm: envinyatar15 Ficlet: There Is Always Consolation