The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 6th, 2007

September 6th, 2007

Snupin Santa updates - assignments, preference posts, relocation

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Okay, we have a few items of business to take care of!

First, I encourage everyone participating in Snupin Santa to write up a preferences post in their journal and drop a link here so that your secret Snupin Santa can check out what you like and don't like above and beyond what you've written in your sign-up. Things you could include are favorite characters and pairings, favorite themes and genres, favorite kinks, favorite scenarios, things you're meh about, things that you actively dislike or are squicked by, and so on.

It's not presumptuous! It could be a very helpful resource for your Secret Santa to help them get a better, fuller idea of what you like and dislike. You could even add links to some of your stories/art - things you're proudest of or things you think best reflect your personal tastes - to give them ideas and inspiration for creating your gift. Please consider writing up a preferences post within the next week or so and leaving a link HERE so your Secret Santa will be able to find it.

Second, I've decided that since there's a strong likelihood there will be Marauders Era stories, probably with smut, Snupin Santa 2007 shouldn't be run off LJ this year. As I've mentioned before, I've got webspace so I can host all art and stories on the website, and I'll be linking to them on lupin_snape on IJ rather than on LJ. After October 1, I'll be posting all Snupin Santa admin posts on IJ, and on December 1, I'll begin posting links to all gifts on IJ and they will not be mirrored on LJ. Lore has given me the go-ahead to post links to R and NC17 rated gifts to lupin_snape rather than bymoonlight for the duration of the exchange so there won't be any back-and-forthing between the two communities.

Third, it's been almost a week since assignments were mailed, and there are still a few people I haven't heard from to let me know they've received their assignment or not. If your name is on the list, please comment here or email me to let me know you received your assignment. If you didn't, let me know that too, and I'll re-send it asap.

People who have not checked in regarding their assignments:

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