The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

September 11th, 2007

September 11th, 2007

Lupin/Snape Fanart Mood Theme!

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Lupin/Snape Fanart Mood Theme

Instructions )

On To The Theme! )

If your IJ is different than your LJ name, please reply here to let me know/remind me, and I'll change it. Thanks!

Snupin Calendar, July 2007 - June 2009

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The Snupin Calendar is a two-year offering, July 2007 - June 2009, in both colour and greyscale with slash images rated up to a hard PG-13. There are no references in the calendar to anything canon-specific. Calendar art is owned by each artist and cannot be used in any other form without permission from the artist.

Colour 11x17

Grey Scale 11x17

Colour 8.5x11

Grey Scale 8.5x11

This version is for professional printing
This colour version will print on both sides of 11 x 17 paper to make a calendar you can properly staple and fold for use. It is set up head to head, 26 pages duplex (13 sheets) full color, stapled and drilled - if you take it to a printer, you should tell the printer the underlined parts.

This version is for professional printing
This greyscale (black and white) version will print on both sides of 11 x 17 paper to make a calendar you can properly staple and fold for use. It is set up head to head, 26 pages duplex (13 sheets) greyscale, stapled and drilled - if you take it to a printer, you should tell the printer the underlined parts.

This version is for viewing/home printing
This colour version will print on single sides of 8.5 x 11 paper and will be most useful for people with personal printers.

This version is for viewing/home printing
This greyscale version will print on single sides of 8.5 x 11 paper and will be most useful for people with personal printers.

You can also try "fit to page" in the print dialog box for any of these versions if you wish to make a calendar that prints both art and month on one 8.5 x 11 sheet or on European paper sizes.

All the files are in .pdf format. You can download Adobe Reader for free here, which opens .pdf files.

Please be aware, when printing, that the image colours, full-colour or greyscale, will vary by printer. You should print test pages and adjust accordingly.

Calendar artists are now welcome to post their art, and I very much hope all of them will at least put a link here for people to use for direct feedback.

Thank-Yous )

And...that's it. If you have any questions, I'll try to address them and will add them here as ETAs if needed. However, some technical issues, you might have to work out on your own.

Requests for [info]bymoonlight membership

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Hi everyone! I'm very excited to be working on membership requests for [info]bymoonlight (our R & NC-17 Snupin sister community). I have some requests, specifically for people who want to be members but for some reason aren't, especially if you have completed at least one of the steps for membership.

There are three steps, as outlined on the community profile page. They are as follows:

1. Make sure you have an age statement clearly visible in your userinfo.

2. Reply with your year of birth at this screened post.

3. After you have followed the first two rules, make a join request.

I've tried to keep on top of things, but we have 160 members already, and it's quite possible I've missed seeing your comment to the post, if you're just sure you completed step 2. In any case, if you think you ought to be a member but aren't, I would request that you please check to be sure you've completed all the steps. If you have, feel free to shoot me a private message and let me know. Also, we have at least two comments on the screened post that are anonymous, so there are two people out there who probably haven't been approved because of that.

Further, if your IJ is still empty, I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me who you are on LJ or how you found us!

Thanks very much, Snupin shippers! ^_^
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