The Lunatic Cafe
Lunatic Cafe

February 2019



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May. 2nd, 2010


[No Subject]

Juto was not exactly a new face among the Cafe, he just was one that kept a low profile. A lurker, if you will. So his appearance wasn't complete with "What is this place" or a shrieking of profanity because of his surprise. No, he'd come to the Lunatic Cafe of his own free will and was looking around for his older sister, Sherazard. Sheri frequented the Cafe more than he did, so it was safe to say that she would be here. He had his first DJing gig coming up and he wanted to ask her to show up. It might not be her scene, but he needed his sister there for support. If he didn't see Sheri himself, he'd see if he could find Kia and ask her to pass word to his sister for him.

With a quick glance around to see if his sister was there, he decided since he didn't see her yet, that he'd wait around. He took a seat at one of the tables and waited for a waitress to come around. He wasn't actually hungry and he didn't require a drink, but it was better than waiting around and looking like a fool. If you saw a guy waiting at a random table on his own without anything to eat or drink, you'll be more likely to think that he was some sort of a creep and Juto didn't want a reputation like that getting around. He couldn't have people thinking he wasn't a ladies man.

May. 1st, 2010



A harlequin in search of her clown

The doors to the cafe burst open and a woman dressed in red and black cartwheeled into the room to end in a crouch with a huge over sized gun in her hand.

"Prepare for the ultimate punchline Puddin..." Harley blinked a few times.

Cocking her head side to side she studied the diners and casual drinkers who for the most part ignored her entrance and continued with their conversations.

With a shrug Harley put her huge gun in a handbag she was carrying.

Catching the eye of a waitress she asked. "So... whatcha got in here with chocolate in it?"

Apr. 30th, 2010



There was an off duty employee in the cafe...

Akane "Sly" Vanya was sitting quietly on a couch in the lounge, her eyes closed as she was doing her own variation of meditation. The petite young woman was in her own little world but for some reason chose to be lost in it at the cafe. An odd choice but for her the cafe was a calming source of mostly positive energy.

It was soothing for her.

Though she did have to wonder how she'd missed out on her boss's new holiday of choice. Odd. She must have a blind spot to this place now. That couldn't possibly be a good sign, could it?

Also a bit odd was the fact there were a few old coloring books scattered around her, a box of crayons that had been knocked over at some point, and an open Jem & the Holograms lunchbox with cookies inside.



[No Subject]

When Oliver stepped into the Lunatic Cafe, he expected it to be like any other day. No one had mentioned any special occasion and nothing had been booked as important in his smartphone. But Oliver Queen was in for a surprise. The Cafe was done up in green and there were various weapon props stylizing the rooms. With a shift of his eyes, Oliver wondered what the occasion was and why he wasn't let into the scheming. Never before had he heard of the holiday created by crazed fangirls from other realms.

"It looks like someone gave a leprechaun drugs and asked him to renovate," he muttered to no on in particular while he scanned around for the one behind this. The one who no doubt "borrows" all his weaponry, but knows how to keep him warm on those cold night. A fair trade off he'd say.

an; don't falme me!!!1111 if you do your a fooking preps. Fangs.

Ebony had on a black corset with pruple stuff around the outside. She also had on her black boots and black fishnets (basically Hot Topic threw up on her). Her white foundation only made her already pale skin seem flawless and her black eyeliner and red eyeshaow were as prefect as always. A lot of people said she looked like Amy Lee and that was okay because she wasn't some stupid fucking preps. Enoby hadted preps more than anthiung. They were all fake and whatever. Dumeldorf was a prep put he tried to pretend to nbe goth because goths are better. He even cept showing up to the MCR and GC concerts at Hogesmeade but he couldn't fake her out. He was so fucking lame.

She had been looking for Draco because she knew he was fucking Vampire behind her back and she wanted to tell him only preps do stuff like that. ut somehow she ended up in the Lunatic Cafe. She knew she was in the Cafe (because vampires know that kind of stuffs, ok?) even though she had meber been here before.

"OMG11 I just wantedf to see my Draco! Now I may never see him again!!1" Tara sexily started crying tears of blood (and I know they can because mah friend said they did it in vampire choronicals, ok?). She wanted to cut her rists but she didn't have a razor on her. Life wasn't fair!!1 All she wanted to do was love Drako! Now she may never see him again. Or Vampire. With their sexy contacts that make them look like Gerard Way and Joel madden who were so fucking hot!

Not only all this but she sexily stepped in dog crap on her way in! Why was Satan punishing her!?1 It wasn't her fault she wasn't so beautiful!

Oh my Satan! Was that Gerard Way over there? He is soooo hot! He's even hotter in convert. She had seen him like 10 times there. Mayb she shuld go talk to him! Or maybe that was Joel Madden since they luked so much alike!

(ooc note: pb is intentionally as terrible as I can muster. I couldn't resist throwing in some jokes. It's just too easy. Just consider it Sage's commentary or Tara's author notes. Do you know how hard it is to NOT fix typos? )

Apr. 27th, 2010


[No Subject]

This wasn’t the ending to my story I had hoped for, Tidus thought as he realized he was beginning to fade away like the Fayth. If this would have been at the beginning of his story he would have had a fit saying “Why me? It’s not fair!” It was amazing how much he truly had matured from when he first appeared in Spira. He had been trying to return to Zanarkand from that very moment but now he wished he could stay. Not only did he make several friends but there was…her.

"Yuna, I have to go."
"I'm sorry I couldn't show you Zanarkand."

It was heartbreaking to see her run at him only to pass through him and fall to the ground. She stands up the pain almost to much to bear with their backs to each other, she says, “ I love you.” He walks up to her from behind and embraces her the best he can saying I love you too in his own way. He didn’t want her to see him fully fade away to nothing so he walks forward and leaps off the airship.

He didn’t fully know what to expect after he jumped. Maybe perhaps he would be sent to the Farplane and see Auron or Jecht. Or he might just fade into nothingness after all he was just a dream. What happen next was the last thing he anticipated, crash landing onto a floor. Tidus quickly stood up and looked around. He was saddened to realized he didn’t recognize the place at all. It looked like a café of sorts accept that it wasn’t anything he had seen in either Zanarkand or Spira. It didn’t matter either way he couldn’t help but hope maybe there was a chance he could see her again. He began whistling the way he had shown and told her that if they got separated to do.

[No Subject]

Hannibal King was on his way to enjoy himself a little Sweet and Sour Cat. It had become a ritual of his and the one who looked explicitly better in heels than himself to eat out. Remind themselves why they were doing all this bullshit. Sometimes if you spent to much time seeing the bad, you forgot there was any good left in the world.

However, not everything ended like you expected. Stopping in his tracks, he immediately realized his surroundings were unfamiliar, "Doesn't that figure."

The foul mouthed little fucker was about to demand what the fuck was going on when his eyes came across some papers near the entrance.

"Oh perfect. A pamphlet. If only vampires came with these," he commented, giving it a once over.

He wasn't going to relax yet. You never know when things that go bump in the night wanted to turn you into a snack. It really was a shame though. He was looking forward to that damn dinner.

Taking a seat, he took a closer look at the data in the pamphlet. Maybe then something would make sense. For a minute at least.

Apr. 25th, 2010


look who's out of retirement for a day. quick before she's back in the suitcase.

Through the tears and wtfery, Deina somehow managed to survive anything the Nexus put her through. And as luck would have it, the craziness and uncertainty that was her life for the last few years was mysteriously (conveniently) gone. Now she entered in the Cafe with a bill in hand, searching it over with an incredulous look, "Two-hundred and fifty dollars? Really?"

Taking a seat at the bar, she rummaged through page after page before complaining some more, "I mean, who spends that kind of money on porn?"

The asian knew her man sometimes was gone for months at a time with his duties, but that gave no excuse to run up a two-hundred and fifty dollar bill. If she didn't know any better, she would have guessed Imp 13 was behind this. Hmm. An interesting possibility. She'd have to de-wing that little freak. Was she missing a credit card?

Spinning the simple, silver wedding band on her finger, she just couldn't believe this bill. Imp 13 or no, that's a lot of freaking porn.

Apr. 24th, 2010



A little Summer season goes a long way.

Buffy Summers, aka the owner of the cafe, sat at a particular nondescript table in the cafe. It was a table centered near the stage with just enough space for her to tackle anyone daring to sing an unwanted song on the karaoke machine. At the moment though, karaoke wasn't her focus. Her attention was currently on several books open on the table and the notebook in her hand. She was glancing over at the tomes every so often and making notes.

Oh yes, she was doing her impression of research girl. But the question was, research for what? An apocalypse? Education? Was she shopping for weaponry again? Making a checklist of all the things she'd slayed over the years? Or maybe she was just trying to test her translation skills. Or rather lack of...

Either way, she picked up her glass of lemonade and took a sip from the green curly straw inside and ignored the fact that some people were still glittering from the other night. Some things she really didn't want to know about. Why anyone would sparkle was one of them.

Apr. 23rd, 2010


[No Subject]

Evie Bailey had been bored to tears for about an hour now. Sometimes hacking got incredibly tedious when she didn't find anything of interest. And given her current job with the U.S. Government, opening up World of Warcraft and deciding to do a raid while she was supposed to be working would probably be frowned upon. She wouldn't be surprised if they managed to block her from accessing it from the computer and she'd be forced to try and hack her way through that. As much as she'd love to do that, it sounded like too much work. She figured she'd get to talk to her best friend some other time, hoping that she wasn't bogged down with finals.

When her stomach growled, Evie figured maybe it was time to take a break and try to find something to eat. She might be a slave to the system for a while, but it didn't mean she sacrificed her eating habits because the government wanted her to log so many hours. Fuck that, she wasn't born in America! She was just a citizen now because they needed her. She did things by her rules. So she did what any hungry person would do: go in search for something to eat.

As she searched for something to eat that didn't look like someone with the tastebuds of a boring person picked it out, she thought of how much she wanted to be anywhere but here. She liked the pay, loved getting to do something for a living that she was actually interested in but oh, did she need a break. She was young! She needed to have a little fun in her life! So it seemed that the thoughts of wanting to get away triggered something to happen. Instead of searching for something to eat, she was now in an unfamiliar place.

"Oh, sick! Is this some kind of a 'wish I may, wish I might' kind of thing here..?" Evie couldn't help but question it, since if she suddenly found herself transported somewhere because she simply was thinking about not wanting to be at work, she wondered if there were other things she could make happen. Or maybe she just snapped from all the loneliness and stress of her job and suddenly she'd be needing to go to the nut house.

Apr. 22nd, 2010



[No Subject]

One minute Yuna was in the arms of the stranger and the next she was all alone in the Farplane. The despair of feeling completely alone had started to overwhelm her. And the moment she thought it was about to take her over, she could have sworn she heard a whistle. A familiar whistle she had been waiting to hear for far too long.

But instead of returning to a place she recognized, the former summoner was now surrounded by even more strangers.

Oh my, how did I find myself here? I need to get back! Everyone will be so worried about me... but, I can't help but wonder... if... I can find anything about... him here. But, it's been so long. Should I finally give in to the fact he will always just remain in my memories?, her thoughts began to run rampant. Honestly she didn't want to give up on her dream. Not yet. He promised when she needed him he'd be there...

"Okay!," Yuna finally exclaims to no one in particular once she sorted out her inner-doubts. She wouldn't let it get her down. First she had to find out where she was and how to get home. The rest could wait until she was home in Spira again. Maybe she'd even get lucky enough and find some spheres around here to bring back to Rikku and Paine!

Confidence returned in her steps, Yuna walked toward the bar in order to ask around about what had happened to her. Surely someone here could help her.

Apr. 21st, 2010



[No Subject]

It was easy to miss a shift in the shadows when someone wasn't looking. And people rarely looked under tables. This made it a perfect spot to crawl from the shadow and shake dust from an old leather jacket. The beanie and jeans were just as covered but looked to be in good condition. The shirt was neat and pressed. Looking up, he scanned the room behind his sunglasses. He was searching for someone.

When the person proved not to be in immediate sight he cleared the table and stood. A short walk and he was at the bar. He picked up a paper napkin and pen and started to try to compose a note.

[No Subject]

Sabriel was a young man who didn't know a damn thing about the world outside of the "real world" he existed in. Aside from the things that came up in a book he read, a comic, a video game he played or a movie he saw, the unknown was pretty much.. unknown to him. He wasn't the guy who thought about if aliens were real or if there were other dimensions out there. The world around him was what existed and he was chill with that. Then again, he didn't think about much beyond pretty girls, the occasional frat party and trying to make sure he got to his classes on time. And preferably coherent. Sometimes he'd pass out in the back of the classroom and one of his buddies would have to nudge him awake, but that was harmless. Expected, even.

After a long day of trying to absorb last minute knowledge for his finals coming up, he could think of no better way to spend the rest of his day than chilling out in his apartment with a little bit of herbal refreshment. He'd round it off with a round of video games and probably call it a night. However, instead of walking into his apartment when he opened the door, he found himself in an unfamiliar setting.

"Whoa." He looked around in a confused manner, trying to figure out where the hell he was. "Uh, I didn't smoke too much yesterday, did I..?" He wondered, since his apartment was suddenly not his apartment. Instead it was what looked like.. a cafe. Did one of his roommates decide to change things up or something? Or did he walk in the wrong building? The possibilities were endless with Sabriel.

Apr. 20th, 2010



[No Subject]

Dark hair, average height, average build, and grumbling in annoyance under her breath, Alana was hardly a terrifying sight. Of late though, she'd had most of the Jube Hotel in Miami ready to run for cover the moment they realized she was headed for them. "MARCY!" she bellowed, a voice meant to carry over the chatter in a crowded lobby. Only then did she look up, partly scowling, from the stack of papers in her hands.

And her jaw dropped. "Uh, sorry..." she mentioned to the eyes that had turned in her direction. This was not the lobby. She glanced behind her, then ahead, and found herself baffled. What the heck was all this?

Moving out of the way of the door to let someone passed, Alana moved into the cafe proper and plopped down on the first seat that she came to. Something was seriously screwed up here.

[No Subject]

While he was once a common face within the Cafe's walls, Cloud now felt like a stranger as he made his way toward the bar. Even if he had shed the despair of his sins, the blonde hero was still the quiet type, only politely nodding in the direction of faces he recognized but not stopping to chat.

Taking a place at the bar, he looked for his usual companion but she seemed to be nowhere in the immediate vicinity. Fortunately there were others there he recognized and with a single raised finger of his gloved hand toward them, he knew he could get what he wanted without having to ask for it. Managing at least a half-smile for the sake of manners, he then turned his cerulean gaze around the Lunatic Cafe without a destination in mind.

Maybe he was wrong to assume she'd be here.

Apr. 14th, 2010



[No Subject]

Sam walked into the cafe on his cellphone. He had made this call eight times already and all eight he got his brother's voice mail.

"Dean...where the hell are you? You better not be doing what I think you're doing. You can't give up now. Not after everything. Call me back. Please."

He hung up and checked out his new surroundings.

"Uh...this isn't my hotel room." He looks around. "This is new."

Apr. 10th, 2010


[No Subject]

Walking through the doors Emily cracked her neck. Much like her mother she wore a disguise when going hunting, only she didn't see the allure of a bag lady with a baby. So she opted for a Catholic school girl uniform, that seemed to draw out the vampires just fine. However, she had the mouth of her father Hannibal as well as the attitude. Hours ago her uniform had been in perfect condition, now it was dirty with blood and ash and torn a little.

Crossing the floor she sat down in a corner and relaxed, it had only been a handful of vampires she'd faced but that proved to be a bit harder than she had thought. Her first hunt alone, at least she wasn't dead. Just a little sore, a small cut on her arm and bottom lip was swollen.

Her tongue flicked over her lip and she whimpered lightly. She didn't care about the looks she got. One guy was looking at her, his eyes traveling up her legs and she snorted, shifting the other direction.

"I need a drink.. or ten."

Her fingers started to tear apart a napkin as she stared at the table.

Apr. 4th, 2010


[No Subject]

Amaya Souma's life had been practically planned for her since birth. Her father, like her father before him, pursued any goal that was invoked in his expansive mind. Smart. Aggressive. Calculating. Her father fit well within the political community of her home town. His wife, she was molded into the perfect accessory, which in turn she instilled into their only daughter.

Sit up straight.


Never seem bored.

What have I told you about slouching, dear?

Her life was constantly in her parents' hands. Defying them was unthinkable. She wouldn't want to disappoint her proud parents, now would she?

But then it all changed. Her world turned upside-down. And by none other than a boy. A man. A man-boy. One with a mischievous grin and a charming personality. That grin could melt the heart of the iciest of ice queens. Even she, who had grown accustomed to being numb, could not ignore his arguments.

Come with me, Fair Lady. Let me show you the world! You and I, we are a perfect duo!

She wasn't entirely sure if he was teasing her by his words. While his offer was true, the words seemed anything but serious. As if he wasn't asking her to give up the life she had known and start anew.

But what life did she know? Plastic smiles? Plastic people? Perfection faked in the name of business? With that, his whimsical offer seemed... liberating.

Fretting so intently on her dilemma, Amaya had not yet noticed the drastic change in her surroundings. Her vision was like her thoughts -- clouded. So much so that it wasn't until a presence passed her by that she was shaken from her trance.

Apr. 2nd, 2010



A dark and ominous presence enters the cafe.

Through the doors to the cafe enters a dark and foreboding presence, which would have been even more threatening if said figure had been taller than 5' 4".

A deep ominous breathing comes from the all black armored clad figure as the metal helmet with mask slowly turns first in one direction and then the other as it takes in the interior of the cafe. The breathing begins to speed up before becoming broken and wheezing sounding.

Slamming up the mask the figure gasps for a moment before speaking.

"Damn helmet, I thought those techs at Space Shack fixed the air conditioner in it?"

Looking around the cafe Dark Helmet realizes he is not on planet Kansas any more.

"Oh great! Where the hell am I know? Where is Colonel Saunders and President Skroob? And... I wonder if they have helmet polish here?"

Mar. 30th, 2010



[No Subject]

His entrance is as simple as the last time. The doors of the cafe open as another patron enters, holding it to let someone else out. He scans to see who present and walks over to some of the chairs with a pile of various magazines that have been left out. No suit to change out of, he has on his worn jacket and jeans with his beanie pulled to hide his hair. He flips through the magazines and chooses, then sits in one of the couches, relaxed for the moment.