The Lunatic Cafe
Lunatic Cafe

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Posts Tagged: 'buffy+summers'

Oct. 11th, 2013


[No Subject]

Faith was getting old. She can admit it.

Not old physically because duh, slayer. Most girls in her 20s wished they were half as strong as she is. Heck the same could be said for men. Being chosen and all of that.

No, it's more of a state of mind. She was possessed, chosen, in a hellmouth, in a coma for eight months. Been good, evil, then good again. Traveled the world, had six boyfriends. She been a convicted murderer. And through-out her 10 year career as a vampire slayer, she killed a lot of vampires, demons, and saved the world.

Though for the last five years, she put herself on retirement. She's not the 'fighting the never-ending battle' type. Though Faith didn't completely walk away from it. She still to this day, carries a stake in case she spots a vampire or demon killing some bystander or if they try to pluck off a slayer for bragging rights.

She doesn't even like going to night clubs anymore. She tried to back in 2010, but she heard a remix to a Justin Bieber song. She thought to herself at the time that she would rather be in another coma than listen to this crappy music. It was then she knew she wasn't exactly a kid or at the very least a teenager anymore.

This night, Faith was sitting at a bar in Prague. She's currently traveling Europe. She has not been in contact much with the Slayer Brigade, Scoobies..or whatever they call each other since her retirement. She did have an argument with Buffy about it, but Buffy grown to understand, though they never speak to each other anymore. Though various news reports she watched from time to time she knew Buffy was still out there.

In fact, she was watching some report about Buffy and her friends. Though they didn't say what exactly happened, it was reported that some group was saved from some satanic cult...or something.

As she took a swig of her beer, she didn't at first noticed she vanished until she put the bottle down. The table went from being dark wooden table to a white glossy one. Faith sighed a bit. She was use to jumping dimensions unexpectedly, so it made Faith a bit jaded to it, so unlike most people, she wasn't surprised.

Faith just took another swig of her beer before asking. "If this is Red dragging me here to convince me to return to your little group, I'll say it again, not interested."

Aug. 23rd, 2013



Reality crash

Life can sure be funny can't it?

One moment I'm listening to my Puddin explaining to me how it was all my fault that his latest scheme to get Bats failed, also trying to dodge as he fired at me with his big gun, and the next thing I know I'm standing in the doorway of some strange bar? Pub? Restaurant?
Heck if I know what this place is.

As I walk into the place several people at tables call out to me about my new look.

Huh? I don't know who these people are or why they act like they know me.

Seeing a sign I pause and read.

You are at the Lunatic Cafe.
You are at a nexus point in the multiverse.
Please do not panic.
You may run into yourself or several selves.
They are from alternate realities.

The print gets smaller and smaller as I read down the sign and I have to lean way over to read the smallest print at the very bottom.

Love the short skirt Harley. The view is great from back here. Love Imp 13.

I frown as I stand back up and turn to look behind me. There is some kind of small creature with bat like wings and tiny horns on his head. He flashes a smirk at me and then vanishes into a black opening that suddenly opens behind him.
As I look back around at the sign I notice it is now gone as well.

I pause as I tap my cheek with a finger.

"Okay my name ain't Alice and I sure don't remember falling down a rabbit hole. What the heck have I gotten myself into now?"

Apr. 30th, 2010



[No Subject]

When Oliver stepped into the Lunatic Cafe, he expected it to be like any other day. No one had mentioned any special occasion and nothing had been booked as important in his smartphone. But Oliver Queen was in for a surprise. The Cafe was done up in green and there were various weapon props stylizing the rooms. With a shift of his eyes, Oliver wondered what the occasion was and why he wasn't let into the scheming. Never before had he heard of the holiday created by crazed fangirls from other realms.

"It looks like someone gave a leprechaun drugs and asked him to renovate," he muttered to no on in particular while he scanned around for the one behind this. The one who no doubt "borrows" all his weaponry, but knows how to keep him warm on those cold night. A fair trade off he'd say.

Apr. 24th, 2010



A little Summer season goes a long way.

Buffy Summers, aka the owner of the cafe, sat at a particular nondescript table in the cafe. It was a table centered near the stage with just enough space for her to tackle anyone daring to sing an unwanted song on the karaoke machine. At the moment though, karaoke wasn't her focus. Her attention was currently on several books open on the table and the notebook in her hand. She was glancing over at the tomes every so often and making notes.

Oh yes, she was doing her impression of research girl. But the question was, research for what? An apocalypse? Education? Was she shopping for weaponry again? Making a checklist of all the things she'd slayed over the years? Or maybe she was just trying to test her translation skills. Or rather lack of...

Either way, she picked up her glass of lemonade and took a sip from the green curly straw inside and ignored the fact that some people were still glittering from the other night. Some things she really didn't want to know about. Why anyone would sparkle was one of them.

Sep. 29th, 2008



What's that? It's a Buffy!

When Buffy was busy, she tended to be off demon hunting and saving the world.

When she wasn't, well... she could be found doing a lazy patrol around town, which is exactly what she had been doing. Though in reality it was more of a window shopping walkabout with hidden weapons than an actual patrol. And really, who was going to deny her precious yet trivial moments like that? At that mere thought she was tempted to look up and glare, but the slayer felt that would be tempting fate a little too much.

Alas, her window shopping had ended and she'd found herself at the cafe, where she was now looking through the decoration directory of the cafe on a laptop as she sat in the lounge. Oh yes, it was time to start holiday decorating. Sure, it was for Halloween, but it was just that first step before Buffy fully evolved into the Holiday Nazi that she was.

On the brighter side of things, Buffy was sporting a shiny new pair of Jimmy Choos. She probably shouldn't have, but damned if they weren't cute and meant for her to own. So at least her 'patrol' hadn't been in vain.

Jun. 13th, 2008


[No Subject]

Edward paused at the doorway of the cafe, before entering.It seemed strangly familiar to the young vampire, and as his eyes raked over the cafe and its patrons, he nodded, deciding he had probaly been here before, or at least someplace like it.

Yawning, he sat at the bar,drumming his fingers on the counter and waiting for the waiter, or waitress, to appear.

[[ooc: just a heads up,Edwards coming in before the twilight books and whatnot, so if you metion any of the events, he probaly wont know what your talking about]]

Apr. 9th, 2008


stop me if you've heard this one.

So a Slayer walks into the cafe.

No, not that one. The taller, brunette one.

She's listening to music and not paying a whole lot of attention to her surroundings, trusting that she's still in the high school, heading back to the library from the bathroom.

As she pushes open the door to what should be the library, it takes her a moment to realize that it isn't. She frowns, looking around as she pulls off her headphones and switches her Discman off. It looks like she's in some sort of diner, and unless she took a serious wrong turn, she has no clue how she's gotten here.

She huffs, more confused and annoyed than she is freaked out - God knows she's seen enough freaky things in her lifetime, but she's never walked from one world into another before - and wraps the headphones around the Discman, deciding that she may as well get something to eat while she's here, and goes to the counter to see if she can get a menu.

[OOC: Faith is coming in shortly after the episode Homecoming. Buffy characters, react to her as you will, just keep in mind that if you bring up future events, she won't know what you're talking about. :D]

Apr. 1st, 2008


The Deanster Arrives!

Dean headbanged to the music blasting from his radio, half signing along, half thrumming the beat on his steering wheel as he blantly ignored his cell.He knew it was sammy, mostly because it was alwayssammy but that was beside the point.

Finally after hours of freeway and pissed off drivers who would probaly have loved nothing more then to hurt the impala with their road-raging ways,he arrived in the town sammy had been talking about for,well,ever.

The first thing he saw,of course, was what looked like a run down old bar, and rubbed his hands together appreciatly "My kinda town"He mummered to himself.

He entered,pausing as he noticed it seemed a little different...ok a lot different.Not that he wasnt used to different,he wasa demon hunter for crying out loud.He quickly glanced around,taking note of all the different demons and such as he made his way to the front counter with a grin,he also noticed there wasnt a menu,like that had stopped him before?."barkeep,a beer and a cheeseburger..make that 2 cheeseburgers"he said,slapping his last 10 dollars on the counter.He was starving and besides,he could win back the money easy.

With a glance at the counter-person,he leaned foward "hey,you guys wouldnt happen to be a demon bar,like harvelles?"he asked.He missed harvelles,great place,bad company,if sam hadnt dragged him away he would probaly still be there,showing off and flirting with Jo.

Jan. 20th, 2008



[No Subject]

Xander enters the cafe holding a small wrapped box.

He heads to Buffy's office and places the gift on her desk with a tulip.