May 17th, 2014

[info]prideofhermes in [info]losthogwartsnet

Filtered to Annabeth.

How are you feeling?

[info]ceo_antichrist in [info]losthogwartsnet

Well, my "sorting" as it's called was over in a hurry The house of the serpent, nearly every characteristic of it fits me perfectly I think I will like it in Slytherin. It fits me quite well. And I admit this castle, and the magic.. quite fascinating to be here. I should learn more of its history.

However. As curious as all this is, I also hope it's temporary. I have a company to run back home. Not to mention meetings with some of my friends in the military too, in addition to going over the business plans. But I forget my manners; I should introduce myself. My name is Damien Thorn, originally from Rome, though Chicago has been my home for many years now. Ah, Rome. Now there is a place rich in history.