Looking Ahead RPG

A Harry Potter Next-Gen Game

June 30th, 2011

A picnic in the park

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Date: June 30 2025
Characters: Colin & Rose
Location: Green Park in London
Private/Public: Private.
Rating/Warnings: None
Summary: Rose and Colin have a real date!

a picnic in the park )

Canons vs Holyhead

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Date: June 30th 2025
Characters: Al & Abbie
Location: Owl Post
Private/Public: Private
Rating/Warnings: None
Summary: Albus has tickets to a match and really doesn't know what to do with them.

So, I thought you liked Quidditch? )

Muggle movies, perhaps?

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Date: June 30th 2025
Characters: Ryan & Dominique
Location: Owl post
Private/Public: Private
Rating/Warnings: None
Summary: Ryan would like to take Dominique out.

Dominique Weasley )

Pieces come together

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Date: June 30th 2025
Characters: Riley and Ryan Finnigan, Seamus Finnigan (possible Lav?)
Location: Seamus & Lav's condo in the West End, eventually Ryan's flat in Diagon
Private/Public: Private
Rating/Warnings: None/Angst
Summary: Ryan's totally busted by his twin.

A week ago... )

June 27th, 2011

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Date: June 27, 2025
Characters: Dominique Weasley, Ryan Finnigan
Location: Diagon Alley at Twilfitt and Tattings
Private/Public: Private-ish?
Rating/Warnings: Probably some flirting ahead
Summary: A meeting

Dominique needed to get out for awhile. She always felt a little suffocated when she returned home for the holidays. Between her parents, Louis and Victiore, there just wasn't enough space at Shell Cottage for her. She loved her family, dearly, but it was easy to get lost in the shuffle with her siblings. So she decided to get started on her shopping and apparated to Diagon Alley.

She walked the streets, thinking about next year. She would be starting at the Albus Dumbledore Institute, hopefully making her own way, a real name for herself. One that shone brightly on it's own, not in Victiore's shadow.

Dom wasn't sure which classes she was going to take yet, so books were out of the question. She didn't want to get clothes that would be out of fashion by the time the season was over, but couldn't help it. She found herself gravitating to Twilfitt and Tattings anyway. Just to look. 'Look with your eyes, not your purse strings, Dominique,' She thought sternly. She stood before the window display, frowning, trying to decide if they were trying too hard or not.

Owl: I'm not sure how one does this formally

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Date: June 27 2025
Characters: Colin & Rose
Location: Respective
Private/Public: Private.
Rating/Warnings: None
Summary: Colin asks Rose out, finally.

Rose Weasley )

June 23rd, 2011

Good walk, good food, good company

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Date: June 23, 2025
Characters: Brigid MacCarthaigh and Riley Finnegan
Location: Around London
Private/Public: Private
Summary: Brigid and Riley go out

Good Night )

June 21st, 2011

Oooh Barry White...

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Date: Wednesday June 22 2025
Characters: Justin
Location: Bones's residence above the Bakery
Private/Public: Open to anyone who'd have business walking in on Justin.
Rating/Warnings: None so far?
Summary: Justin, doing the morning cleaning. Link for the song in the post Here

Can't get enough of your love babe )

Owl: Lily?

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Date: Tuesday June 21 2025
Characters: Dalton and Lily
Location: Respective
Private/Public: Private, very.
Rating/Warnings: None
Summary: Dalton isn't desperately missing her, he swears.

she hadn't spoken to him at the ball, he didn't even know if she'd been there but gods he hoped now )

June 20th, 2011

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Date: Monday June 20 2025
Characters: Riley and Brigid
Location: Respectinve
Private/Public: Private, not even Ryan can read this.
Rating/Warnings: None
Summary: Riley, after much pacing, owls Brigid.

To Brigid )

June 17th, 2011

End of the Year Ball

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Date: Saturday, June 18 2025
Characters: Everyone!!
Location: Hogwarts
Private/Public: Public, please add your tag as you bring your kids.
Rating/Warnings: None
Summary: This is the end of the year Ball, for some students it will be the last.

Wooohooo )

It's over! It's over!

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Date: June 17, 2025
Characters: Abbott Longbottom
Location: Hogwarts Hallway
Private/Public: Public
Rating/Warnings: None at the moment
Summary: Abbie celebrates the end of exams by dancing to her own drum


June 16th, 2011

Read all about it, indeed

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Date: June 16, 2025
Characters: Everyone
Location: All over the wizarding world
Private/Public: Public
Rating/Warnings: None
Summary: Jacques couldn't be happier about the news

Daily Prophet
June 16th, 2025

Dippet University Announces New Head of Operations
Former French Minister of Magical Education Jacques Perrault Brings Old World Charm To New Post

Minister Perrault stood with University Founders and prominent Wizarding families last night wearing his usual stoic grimmace. A serious man, he was quoted at the press conference as saying "clearly they liked what I did in France and I'm very excited to bring a real sense of educational urgancy to Britain" in lightly accented English.

Of course, Perrault is best known in the UK for his family history - the name was once a dark period in French politics, extending to include tacit support of Tom Riddle's first and second wars. Mr. Perrault and his siblings, however, seem to have bucked the family trend and have all dedicated their lives to public services - Education for Jacques, Philanthropy for his younger sister Marie, and French Muggle Military service for youngest Rene.

A British public that has bristled at DU's subtle hints at 'old fashioned' beliefs might not be too keen on this latest move, however the press office at the more liberal Dumbledore Institute of Higher Education (named of course for Wizarding Kinds' great hero Albus Dumbledore) released an announcement in congratulations.

Perrault's prepared remarks for the occasion can be found in it's entirety below: )

June 15th, 2011

Things That Are Most Definitely Not Exams

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Date: June 15, 2025
Characters: Wayne Pritchard and Albus Potter
Location: Hogwarts
Private/Public: Semi-Private
Rating/Warnings: None
Summary: There's only so much academics a Ravenclaw boy can take.

The words were beginning to swim about like little pollywogs, which was not what they were supposed to do at this juncture. )

June 14th, 2011

Evil head...

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Date: June 14, 2025
Characters: Brigid MacCarthaigh and Rose Weasley
Location: Hogwarts
Private/Public: Semi-Private
Rating/Warnings: None
Summary: Brigid's migraine gets the best of her

Pain pain go away )
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