Mon, Sep. 30th, 2013, 04:10 pm

 photo GetAttachment_zps404f6100.jpg

Everything is Justin's cookies.


Tue, Aug. 27th, 2013, 04:05 pm
[info]friendlyjustin: Clinic thread

Hey people!!!

I've started the open clinic thread I spoke to a few of you about. There was enough enthusiasm for me to push myself to write it.

I set it for yesterday, because I was very busy yesterday and couldn't start it. So basically, it's Justin's full double shift from 8 in the morning to midnight. Anyone can get in even if's just to talk to someone else.

Michael is there to see patients and Justin is working that day.

Have fun people!!!


Mon, Oct. 31st, 2011, 09:18 am
[info]brigid_cross: Open thread

It's Halloween and Rosie's throwing a party! Come and keep her and Brigid company

Thu, Oct. 6th, 2011, 08:20 am
[info]hey__abbott: I'm back!

Actually, I've been back a few days. However, my Hermione (aka my HP netbook computer) crashed on the plane back from Antigua. Double sad face.

Needless to say, I am mostly computerless at home. I have a back up but it is incredibly slow and IE tends to die after a few hours. Still, I'm here and would love LOVE to play if anyone is interested. So shoot me an email

Buller? Buller?

Sun, Sep. 25th, 2011, 12:21 pm
[info]brigid_cross: Next week

Going off gird for the next 6 days while I'm in Antigua. See you all when I get back :)

Wed, Sep. 14th, 2011, 09:36 am
[info]hey__abbott: Open thread!!

Abbie's out on the Hogwarts grounds with her pets if anyone wants to join her.

Mon, Aug. 29th, 2011, 08:49 pm
[info]brigid_cross: Fangirling for a sec

Okay, I just happened to actually look at some of Al's pics and I have to say...our Albus Potter is HOT!

My inner Abbie is curious to know what his abs look like...she's got a thing for abs ;)

Sat, Aug. 27th, 2011, 11:36 am
[info]brigid_cross: Party up

Party thread is up

Sat, Jul. 16th, 2011, 09:30 pm

Hey guys!

Life seems to finally be slowing down for me (which isn't saying much, all things considered), and I definitely got into law school and therefore won't have to be deported (YAY!). This is the good news. Bad news is that come law school I will be struggling to find time to rp at all, but until then, between work and various other obligations, I'm going to do my very damndest to play my heart out with you guys! Which means I'm off hiatus <3

This affects Cambrey, China, Lily, and Hermione! That said, someone fill me in! WHAT DID I MISS?? <333

Fri, Jul. 15th, 2011, 07:53 pm
[info]finnigan2: Hello? Is it me you're looking for?

Hello my ladies! as you can see, I am back. Actually, I came back wednesday evening and never left for my sister's but I took a few days off haha.

Anyway, anyone wants any of my kids? Please?

Sat, Jul. 9th, 2011, 07:47 pm

Okay girls, here's the deal.. Hubby surprised me by offering me a surprise-vacation and we are leaving tonight. Unfortunately there is no internet (booh) and cells don't even get there, haha. I should be around wednesday but I'm not promising anything. I will be home for sure on saturday :) Love you all, wish you all a nice week.


PS, those who owe me tags.. please tag me?

Fri, Jul. 1st, 2011, 08:46 am
[info]lookingmods: Looking Ahead Google Cal!

Everyone should have access to add/manage events, just let me know if anything comes up wonky :)

Follow the ticky box

Thu, Jun. 30th, 2011, 10:29 am
[info]finnigan2: Mwahahaha

Just a little note!!

Justin is working all summer at Bones' Delicacies (Susan's Bakery).

Riley got the job at Foretescue's all summer too and might even keep working there on weekends once University starts again. He actually likes his job and cannot extend his employee discount for anyone (except Brigid, because he found a way)

Rose got the job at Flourish and Blott's (that's why Riley didn't get it *snorts*) she works from Monday to Thursday.

James doesn't have a summer job yet but he's probably going to start in August as some Ministry intern doing some obscure job with paperwork involved..

So!! If anyone should want them in their natural habitat (their jobs) feel free!!

Thu, Jun. 30th, 2011, 07:06 am
[info]hey__abbott: THis July...

Hey everyone!

Not sure how many of you know about NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), but they are doing a summer version of their 'Write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days' thing. There are two sessions: one in July and one in August.

I am planning on doing the July session, which would mean that I will be around, may be not as much and my responses will be significantly slower. Still, I will be around.

With that in mind, I would like, at a minimum, in July have a few threads...

Brigid and Al having coffee
Brigid and Rose run in
More Brigid and Riley
Abbie and Justin and Wayne if around
Abbie and Al?

If this would work, please feel free to just start threads or I can when I'm done with work count for th day; just shoot me an email ( I'm totally open for other interactions, these were just ones I thought of based on current interactions.


Sat, Jun. 25th, 2011, 12:16 pm
[info]finnigan2: Wooohoooo

SO! My mom is on her way to my sister's.. *happy dance* And it's hubby who's driving her instead of me. Cause I'm way too tired.. So I am way available for rping!!!!!!! *sighs* I have lots of cleaning to do, but it's okay, it can wait..

Love you all


Wed, Jun. 22nd, 2011, 09:47 am
[info]alltheinsecure: Fangirling

Ok, we haven't done nearly enough fangirling here in OOC. So I just had to say that Riley & Brigid are the most adorable freaking people alive. Can't wait to see their date on Thursday!

Sat, Jun. 18th, 2011, 12:59 am
[info]lily__luna: Well...

Damn guys, I'm sorry. I should have done it sooner, but I really didn't want to admit to it. I'll do my best to do tags, but I may have to call a hiatus. Family issues and... overall issues (read: immigration/depression/etc) have hit me kind of hard, so I'm going to see if I can get through that, and I promise I will do my very best to not disappear completely, because I'd hate to miss things like the ball. So.

Tomorrow is my first day off in a while, and hopefully that means I'm going to feel less horrible and more inspired to make some magic happen. Just wanted to give you guys the heads up that yep, I will be slow. But I love you ALL! And I can't wait to return in full! <3 I do promise that I will do my best to keep up with the threads I'm in right now, things are just a little tougher than I expected them to be right now.

This affects [info]lily__luna, [info]china_chang, and [info]queen_cambrey.

Fri, Jun. 17th, 2011, 10:10 pm

Since the Ball is supposed to be Saturday night, a post will be put up tomorrow morning so we can start playing it early.


Anick and Tina.

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