Looking Ahead RPG

A Harry Potter Next-Gen Game

August 24th, 2011

Tea with a friend

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Date: August 24th 2025
Characters: Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott
Location: Diagon Alley
Private/Public: Privatish
Rating/Warnings: General
Summary: Susan and Hannah meet up for tea. Eventually the issue of Justin and Abbie not talking

Long time no see my darling )

June 21st, 2011

Oooh Barry White...

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Date: Wednesday June 22 2025
Characters: Justin
Location: Bones's residence above the Bakery
Private/Public: Open to anyone who'd have business walking in on Justin.
Rating/Warnings: None so far?
Summary: Justin, doing the morning cleaning. Link for the song in the post Here

Can't get enough of your love babe )
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