Sep. 7th, 2015


Text to Aimée

sent after Charlie's shift, later in this evening

You never said your dad was a god. And you never said he was an asshole.

Aug. 8th, 2015


Text to Apollo

Immediately after this.

Did you have a pet called Jason?
Tags: , ,

Jun. 28th, 2015


Text to Nikki

I know we're not due yet,
but I think I might need
another girls' night.

May. 31st, 2015


Text to Eros from Anteros

Came looking for you, accidentally ran
into Leonard. He's lovely, we're getting
along great, and I'm feeding him in
Marrakesh. Don't kill me. x

May. 30th, 2015


Text to Dr. Chase from Dylan Hayes

Text )

May. 27th, 2015


Text to Heph from Anteros/Anthony

I told Ares Mom had pissed D off
and now he's asking where you two
are. Something tells me I stepped
in it.

Where *are* you anyway?


Text to Ares from Anteros/Anthony

Hey Dad. Just to let you know, Mom's caused trouble again.
She's gone and pissed off D, this time. Heph's taken her
somewhere while D cools off, but we'll probably all be
back in LA soon.

Say hi to the pony for me.

Apr. 21st, 2015


I wanna taste everyone in the world

I need more sex, OK? Before I die I wanna taste everyone in the world. - Angelina Jolie )

Apr. 5th, 2015


Delivery - Backdated to 20th March

One week after this.

Content )

Jun. 3rd, 2011


Text, Gideon

Following this.


May. 21st, 2011



To: Andreas Kyle, Thomas Smith
From: E
Subject: 911

Where is Mom?



[scrambled] Text to Feathers

To: Feathers
From: ZombieBoy
Subject: MILF Alert

Don't have much time.
Your Mom got into the building.
Chaos ensuing. Serious shit + fan time.
Giving you/yours heads up.

May. 15th, 2011



To: Thomas Smith, Taylor Monroe, Andreas Kyle, D. Bromios Makar
Re: Heads Up

Society big shots are in Vegas. You probably already know, but just in case.


May. 14th, 2011


Text to Taylor Monroe

To:Taylor Monroe
From: Thomas Smith
What the devil are you doing?

Apr. 23rd, 2011



To: Taylor Monroe, Eros Smith (As they're on his phone)
From: Thomas Smith (or however they have him)

Are you both fine?

Apr. 18th, 2011



From: A. Kyle (or Ares, or however he is represented on various devices)
To: Dionysus, Hermes (by whatever contact he has for them)

We need to talk. Now.