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Apr. 15th, 2017


There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. - Friedrich Nietzsche )

Jul. 30th, 2016


On average, spending time with your boss is consistently rated as the least pleasurable activity in a given day. - Tom Rath )

Mar. 27th, 2016


Takes place after THIS.

Sex is a momentary itch, Love never lets you go. - Kingsley Amis. )

Feb. 12th, 2016


Never be too busy

to meet someone new )

Jan. 13th, 2016


A crossroad. What a pain in the ass place to end up in. - Unknown )

Dec. 31st, 2015


What the fuck... )

Dec. 17th, 2015


Life changes in the instant. The ordinary instant. -Joan Didion )

Oct. 14th, 2015


Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about. -Winston Churchill )

Sep. 20th, 2015


This is the curse of our age, even the strangest aberrations are no cure for boredom. -Stendhal )

Sep. 6th, 2015


Reunited and it feels so good; Reunited 'cause we understood...There's one perfect fit, and, sugar, this one is it. We both are so excited 'cause we're reunited, hey, hey. - Peaches and Herb )

Aug. 10th, 2015


After this

It doesn't matter if your glass is half full or half empty... as long as you have the rest of the bottle. - Unknown )

Aug. 1st, 2015


Continued from here.

Bad news isn't wine. It doesn't improve with age. - Colin Powell )

Jun. 26th, 2015


Marriage Equality Party

Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words. - Plautus )

Jun. 23rd, 2015


It's not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it. - Hans Selye )

Jun. 15th, 2015


[Open] Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess...

...and you don't find out til too late that he's been playing with two queens all along. - Terry Pratchett )

May. 9th, 2015


You had me at Piranhaconda. )

Apr. 8th, 2015


Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends...

...never lose a chance to make them - Francesco Guicciardini )

Mar. 21st, 2015


a little less action, a lot more talk

Continued from here

Action is eloquence. -William Shakespeare )

Mar. 12th, 2015



Continued from here..."

Natalia was up and moving before Dionysus had even glanced up from his phone. )

Mar. 7th, 2015


Brandon and/or Apollo

her best harmless smile )


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