October 2017



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Aug. 5th, 2017


The best way to get a puppy is to beg for a baby brother

- they’ll settle for a puppy every time. - Winston Pendelton )

Jul. 20th, 2017


Sex is always about emotions.

Good sex is about free emotions; bad sex is about blocked emotions. - Deepak Chopra )

Jul. 15th, 2017


She made broken look beautiful, and strong look invincible.

She walked with the Universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings. - Ariana Dancu )

Jul. 9th, 2017


The family that slays together... )
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Jul. 6th, 2017


The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on. - Carl Sandburg )


It is better in prayer...

...to have a heart without words than words without a heart. - Mahatma Gandhi )

Mar. 23rd, 2017


We progress a step farther...

...in each tick of the clock. - Ronnie Cornelisz )

Feb. 7th, 2017


Life is what happens to us

While we are making other plans. - Allen Saunders )

Dec. 8th, 2016


When a tree falls it resounds with a thundering crash.

And yet a whole forest grows in silence. - Jocelyn Murray )

Nov. 26th, 2016


Although innocence is left behind you've gotta try

Gotta fight for the beauty that's inside your heart. - Bad Pollyanna )

May. 6th, 2016


Just because I'm not forever by your side

...doesn't mean that's not precisely where I want to be. - Stephanie Laurens )

Apr. 9th, 2016


Dancing is

The vertical expression of a horizontal desire legalized by music. - George Bernard Shaw )
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Dec. 16th, 2015


You're not shy, you get around

You want to fly, don't want your feet on the ground. - Foreigner )

Content note: Knifeplay

Dec. 4th, 2015


Don't dwell on what went wrong.

Instead, focus on what to do next. )

Sep. 6th, 2015


I am not the same having seen the moon shone on the other side of the world. - Mary Anne Radmacher )

Jul. 19th, 2015


To describe my mother would be

...to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Or the climbing, falling colors of a rainbow.” — Maya Angelou )

Jun. 26th, 2015


Marriage Equality Party

Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words. - Plautus )


Emails from Anteros

Aphrodite )

Eros )

Apollo )

Komos )

Dionysus )

Other invitation emails are sent out to every family member (e.g. Adrestia, Himeros), other divine (Eris - he knows better than to not invite her, sorry, but rules of hospitality will be enforced) or friend-of-the-divines he knows. Basically, if he can get a message to you about it, he will. This includes the ones he hasn't heard from in a while. The more the merrier!

Jun. 16th, 2015


Las Vegas is the expression, in glitter and concrete, of America's brittle and mutating id. - John Burdett )


Family troubles

Here's to the kids who are tired of going through the same family problems over & over again... )

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