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Nov. 14th, 2008


Not in Our Stars, But in Ourselves (Kyou Kara Maou, Shinou/Daikenja)

Title: Not in Our Stars, But in Ourselves.
Author/Artist: [info]allira_dream
Rating: PG.
Warnings: Deathfic.
Prompt: Kyou Kara Maou - Original King/Great Sage - loyalty - as you wish.
Word count: 1100.
Summary: Daikenja would obey his lord despite it all.

Not in Our Stars, But in Ourselves. )

Nov. 13th, 2008


Hellblazer/Sandman - All I Have To Do Is Dream

Title: All I Have To Do Is Dream
Author: [info]wonder_wombat
Rating: R
Word Count: 1542
Pairing: John Constantine/Dream
Prompt: dream interpretation; in dreams, anything is possible
Author's Note: I actually just spent the last two and a half months writing a research paper on The Sandman... so I should be old hat at this, right? I'm not as familiar with Constantine but I've done a little brush up reading and hopefully... I got it down okay. Not quite as hardcore pornographic as it could be... for some reason it resisted that. Hope the requester enjoys it ^_^; If you do have any requests/suggestions for improvement, I'm always open to that too. Constructive criticism is yay.

Also, the little lyrics in the end (and title) are from the song "All I Have To Do Is Dream"

John rolled over, staring at the clock. )


Thread of Blood, Kingdom Hearts II (Riku/antiSora)

Title: Thread of Blood
Author: [info]raisedbymoogles
Rating: Soft R
Warnings: Very mild bloodplay, consent issues, UST
Prompt: Kingdom Hearts II - Anti!Sora/Riku - bloodplay - Riku's experience with Heartless is suddenly more relevant than he'd thought.
Word count: 793
Summary: When Sora shifts into antiform, nobody knows how much of him is really in there.
Author's Notes: Not late! *pumps fist in air*

He should have been more observant... )

Nov. 14th, 2008


Scratch - Final Fantasy VII (Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud)

Title: Scratch
Author: [info]mystiri_1
Rating: G
Warnings: M/M/M threesome. Licking.
Word count: 692
Prompt: Nov 13, Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud, Anthro - Sometimes, you had to groom just right
Summary: Zack's too tired after his latest mission to do anything but lay there. Well, almost anything.
A/N: Could be considered to be somewhere far, far along the timeline of Lab Accidents.

Nov. 13th, 2008


quest [ffxii, montblanc/krjn]

So very late! (I'm also pretending the prompt meant verbal and/or metaphysical sparring mostly to avoid any inevitable Yoda/Count Dooku mental imagery. ::scrubs brain:: @_@)

Title: Quest
Author: [info]logistika_nyx
Characters/Pairings: Montblanc/Krjn, the Moogle Six (offscreen)
Rating: M
Prompt: Nov 9 - Final Fantasy XII - sparring - 'Size never matters, my dear.'
Word count: 7000
Summary: The tentative birth of Clan Centurio.


The Viera starts stalking him visibly after he breaks through Golmore's fringe of leaves. )



Samurai Champloo - Shot in the Dark

Title: Shot in the Dark
Author: [info]wonder_wombat
Word Count: 480 words - just a little scene
Fandom: Samurai Champloo
Pairing: Mugen --> Jin
Prompt: Cross dressing; Jin is almost a woman, so there is in shame in it.
Rating: NC-17/R
Author's Notes: Sorry this is late! Crazy time of year for me, applying for grad school, finishing senior year, all that fun stuff. Hope whoever requested this enjoys it ^_^; I've been out of the fan fic game for a while.

Jin looks like a woman. )

Nov. 12th, 2008


Built to Last. (Persona Trinity Soul, Shin/Jun)

Title: Built to Last
Author/Artist: [info]allira_dream
Rating: PG13/R.
Warnings: Watch the rating and the prompt, and that's it.
Prompt: Persona Trinity Soul - Shin/Jun - comfort - They don't talk about the nightmares.
Word count: 375.
Summary: It'd be unfair to think about anyone else, when Jun is doing this for him.

Built to Last )


Hatched, Final Fantasy VII (Zack/Cloud)

Title: Hatched
Author: [info]mystiri_1
Rating: G
Warnings: Chocobos.
Word count: 1,099
Prompt: Nov 12, Final Fantasy VII, Zack/Cloud – chocobos – The big, strong black, guarding his gold mate and their nest.
Summary: The Lifestream was not big enough to hold Zack...

The outside world was far less forgiving than the nesting grounds.  )

Nov. 11th, 2008


Without a Single Trace (Kingdom Hearts 2, Roxas/Axel)

Title: Without a Single Trace
Author/Artist: [info]allira_dream
Rating: NC17.
Warnings: Spoilers for the end of the game, crossover with Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Prompt: Kingdom Hearts - Roxas/Axel - desperate sex - when everything is said and done / and there is no place left to run / i think i used to be someone
Word count: 4'200
Summary: The thing about happiness is that most of the times, you don't know when you're happy. Not until later.

Without a Single Trace )

Nov. 12th, 2008


Different Strokes - FFVII (Seph/Zack/Cloud)

Title: Different Strokes
Author: [info]cleflink
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Rating: PG?
Word count: 1690
Prompt: xeno - they're down a couple dozen mugs and lamps before Zack gets used to his wingspan
A/N: Right, so this is mostly a sequel to this fic. You don't really need to read it to get this one, just know that mako gives you mutations (including wings and a tail for Seph, wings, horns and claws for Zack and a horn for Cloud). Ended up being more of a Zack/Cloud pre Seph/Zack/Cloud unforrtunately - I blame school for not giving me the time to do a better job. (Sorry!)

Summary: The weirdest thing is how it isn't really as weird as it should be.

just because half of the army is in rehab for mako poisoning it doesn’t give you the right to, to… why aren’t you wearing a shirt? )

Nov. 11th, 2008


On Edge - Baccano! (Maiza/Firo)

Title: On Edge
Author: [info]cleflink
Fandom: Baccano!
Rating: G
Warnings: UST
Word count: 790
Prompt: Firo/Maiza - knifeplay - balanced on the edge
A/N: First attempt in this fandom. *bows* Hope people enjoy!

Summary: Lessons have never been so complicated.

Maiza has no intention of putting himself in a position where he has to explain the conspicuous lack of blood after a clear hit )


Ivory and Gold [FFVII]

Title: Ivory and Gold
Fandom: FFVII
Pairing: Rufus/Tseng
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 100 (drabble!)
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII - Tseng/Rufus - kiss - The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history
Note: It must be lonely at the top...

You are not the man your father was.

Do you still think in the terms of lineage and succession? Do you still wonder about inspiring respect?

Power is not something that you possess-- it is what you are. I do not follow you because of your name.

The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history.

And as my lips part from yours, I realize that I am yours, yet I’ll never be able to say that you are mine-- for you belong to the world, and to no one.


In the Moonlight [FFXII]

Title: In the Moonlight
Fandom: FFXII
Pairing: Balthier/Fran
Wordcount: 100 (drabble!)
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Final Fantasy XII - Fran/Balthier - skin - Under the moonlight, it almost seems unreal.

There is something about the moonlight... )


Porcelain Doll/Mirror Image, Suikoden III (Sasarai/Sarah)

Title: Porcelain Doll/Mirror Image
Author/Artist: [info]catdevigri
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Prompt: Sasarai/Sarah - fancy dress-up ball - "Care for a dance?"
Word count: 1,311
Summary: Sasarai meets a mystery girl at a party.
A/N: This was really fun. I should write more Sasarai/Sarah in the future!
A wallflower and a social butterfly )


Ode to the Sun [Crossover: DDS/P3, Ryoji+Seraph]

Title: Ode to the Sun
Author: [info]daniela_lynx
Rating: G
Warnings: G is for Gen
Prompt: Crossover: Digital Devil Saga/Persona 3 - Ryoji/Seraph - hurt/comfort - beginnings and endings.
Word count: 829
Summary: "Gaining some inner peace would’ve been nice too, yeah."

Read more... )

Nov. 12th, 2008


once traveled [ffxii, basch/vossler]

Title: Once Traveled
Author: [info]logistika_nyx 
Characters/Pairings: Basch/Vossler
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: Final Fantasy XII - felching/post-orgasmic rimming - "You want me to do whatever I want?"
Word count: 930
Other: Belated post snagged from Nov 9. Hope you enjoy!

Vossler has age, superiority, right-of-birth. He wonders if Basch even knows he could have refused -- but that would have required being asked, and they do not talk of this.  )


Nov. 11th, 2008


From the Jaws of Defeat, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Jason/Tommy)

Title: From the Jaws of Defeat
Author: [info]raisedbymoogles
Rating: G
Warnings: Bromance
Prompt: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Tommy/Jason - mpreg - "I hate those damn aliens!"
Word count: 504
Summary: Jason cheers Tommy up after a hard day of being a pregnant guy.

I think Miss Applebee's getting suspicious... )

Nov. 12th, 2008


more than one way [baccano!, isaac/miria]

Title: More Than One Way
Author: [info]logistika_nyx
Characters/Pairings: Isaac/Miria
Rating/Warnings: M
Prompt: Baccano! - mutual taking of virginity - but how do you STEAL something like that?
Word count: 935
Other: belatedly claimed and posted for Nov 5. Hope you enjoy!


'Miria!' he shouts, and grins, and laughs and grabs her and rolls and rolls; they run out of bed and he hits the floor first, an Isaac-shaped cushion for a fallen angel-shaped Miria. )


Nov. 11th, 2008


Of All the Paths, Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann (Kittan/Yoko)

Title: Of All the Paths
Author/Artist: [info]badpenny
Rating: Worksafe
Warnings: End of series spoilers. Set post-series (mostly) in the canon universe.
Prompt: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann - Kittan/Yoko - dream - When you wish upon a star / Don't let yourself fall / Fall in too hard
Word count: 930
Summary: Yoko's dreaming.

Of All the Paths )


"Beautiful Lies", Beast Wars (Blackarachnia/Silverbolt)

Title: Beautiful Lies
Author: [info]dragovianknight
Rating: PG
Warnings: Oh, come on! It's a kid's show! About robots! I fail at porn.
Word count: 353
Summary: Beast Wars - Blackarachnia/Silverbolt - manipulation (which the victim enjoys) - "I'm a willing slave to her beautiful lies"

When we meet, it is by chance or her behest. )

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December 2008




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