July 28th, 2008

[info]stopthatgirl7 in [info]kinkfest

The Most Frightening Thing, Tokyo Babylon (Seishirou/Subaru)

Sorry this is a bit early for y'all in the Western hemisphere; I usually try to wait but I have another fic due tomorrow for another comm I kind of haven't started yet, so I'll need all of my time tomorrow to get that done and posted. It's technically the 28th where I am? Sorry...

Title: The Most Frightening Thing
Author: joudama
Fandom: Tokyo Babylon
Rating: R, but worksafe
Warnings: The prompt is "bondage", yo. Treekink, if you kinda squint and are as happily boozed up as I am at the time of writing. *glee* *hic* *glee!*
Word count: 1,108
Summary: Because the most frightening things of all are human beings.
A/N: I so love writing headspace. *glee* Also, the quotes from Tokyo Babylon are from the first book, crappy translations mine. This is after TB yet before X.
Prompt: Seishiro/Subaru - bondage - "like a dream to me, you are not what you seem..."

The Most Frightening Thing )

[info]karanguni in [info]kinkfest

I Met A Man (Save Me), American Gods/Baccano!, (Luck/Taxi Driver Djinn)

Title: I Met A Man (Save Me)
Author: [info]karanguni
Fandom: American Gods/Baccano!
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 832
Summary: Energy must convert, one form to another, switching to conserve.
Warnings: Uh. AU?! 3am writing?! Dave Matthews rip-off?! One day early?!
Prompt: Crossover: American Gods/Baccano! - Taxi Driver Djinn/Luck - bodyswitch - Let's go drive 'till morning comes

walkin' through the desert I met a man, and he told me 'bout his crazy plan: he'd been walking for twenty days; he was gonna walk on for twenty more. )

[info]jlsigman in [info]kinkfest

Desperate Times [Final Fantasy VII, Zack/Cloud, R]

Title: Desperate Times
Author: [info]jlsigman
Rating: R
Warnings: angst, technically non-con (although there's no malice behind it), M/M kissing & touching
Word count: 577
Prompt: July 28 - Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core - Zack/Cloud - unconscious Cloud - wake up, stay with me, come back

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[info]shiegra in [info]kinkfest

Appointments, Baccano!, (Luck/Eve)

Title: Appointments
Author: [info]shiegra
Rating: R
Wordcount: 354

Prompt: Baccano! – Luck/Eve – sex against a window/wall - Gentleman, he was not

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[info]shiegra in [info]kinkfest

steel, Baccano! (Chane/Graham)

Title: steel
Author: [info]shiegra
Rating: R
Wordcount: 431

Prompt: Baccano! - Chane/Graham - fightsex - the desire to fight, that she could understand

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[info]shiegra in [info]kinkfest

Heady, Air Gear (Agito/Yayoi)

Title: Heady
Author: [info]shiegra
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 217

Prompt: Air Gear - Agito/Yayoi - shower sex - hot summer evening

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[info]shiegra in [info]kinkfest

Cuckoo, Air Gear, (Agito/Yayoi/Lind)

Title: Cuckoo
Author: [info]shiegra
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 545
A/N: I don't think I got this as creepy as I wanted it to be. Oh, well.

Prompt: Air Gear - Agito/Yayoi/Lind - mind fuck - "This is how a real man does things."

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[info]ellnyx in [info]kinkfest

another's shadow [ffxii, larsa, basch]

Fandom: FFXII
Title: Another’s Shadow
Author: logistika_nyx
Rating: PG (::wince:: sorry~)
Other: for prompt, ‘Larsa/Basch, barehanded, throwing down the gauntlet.’

[info]chichirinoda in [info]kinkfest

Piece of the World, D. Gray-man (Kanda/Lenalee)

Title: Piece of the World
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers for the Ark, specifically Kanda's battle.
Word Count: 1274
Summary & Notes: Lenalee can't leave Kanda behind. Written for [info]kinkfest, for the prompt: D.Gray-Man - Kanda/Lenali - androgyny - half a moment to lick our wounds.

It doesn't really, in any way, fit the prompt. Sorry D: Also, I'm a day late because apparently I don't know what day it is! I did have this done in time -_-;;;;;

Lenalee wanted to run, but the jolts of pain that spiralled up her legs with every step forced her to face the fact that she just couldn't. )

[info]laylah in [info]kinkfest

"Shore Leave," D.Gray-man (Sweet Tooth/Tyki Mick)

Title: Shore Leave
Author: Laylah
Rating: not worksafe-ish, glossed m/m
Word count: ~700
Prompt: Sweet-tooth/Tyki - sizekink - "a dockworker, huh?"
A/N: I have only read the relevant chapters once, so please be gentle. If I am forgetting some crucial bit of information, like Tyki being canonically the younger one, it was an honest mistake. ._.

Shore Leave )

[info]chichirinoda in [info]kinkfest

Reaching You, Final Fantasy VII (Zack/Cloud)

Title: Reaching You
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst D:
Word Count: 1250
Summary & Notes: Zack and Cloud are on the run, and Zack is having trouble coping one dark night. Written for [info]kinkfest, for the prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core - Zack/Cloud - unconscious Cloud - wake up, stay with me, come back.

Zack had no real clue how long he'd been running. )

[info]nanthimus in [info]kinkfest

Beginnings and Ends, Avatar: The Last Airbender (Zuko/Aang)

Title: Beginnings and Ends
Author: [info]nanthimus
Rating: PG
Warnings: m/m romance (and by romance I mean dorks kissing)
Word Count: 632
Prompt: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Zuko/Aang - fire - with proper control, the flames licked but didn't burn
Notes: I'm so sorry this is so late. The series finale killed me with awesome.

Beginnings and Ends )

December 2008



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