July 23rd, 2008

[info]ladyofshadow in [info]kinkfest

"An Unusual Friendship," Yami No Matsuei (Tatsumi/Watari)

Title: An Unusual Friendship
Author: Ladyofshadow
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: innuendos and preferences
Word count: 624
Prompt: Yami no Matsuei - Tatsumi/Watari - sensory overload or enhancement - "that golden one leads a double life, you'll find out"
A/N: Written rather quick, but the conversation between the two Shinigami entertained me.

An Unusual Friendship )

[info]puella_nerdii in [info]kinkfest

But Then I Shall Know Even As Also I Am Known (Baccano!/Sandman, Vino/Corinthian)

Title: But Then I Shall Know Even As Also I Am Known
Author: [info]puella_nerdii
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence. I am not kidding here.
Wordcount: ~3100
Prompt: Crossover: Baccano!/Sandman - Vino/the Corinthian - violence - the American Dream
A/N: late. ack.

But Then I Shall Know Even As Also I Am Known )

[info]laylah in [info]kinkfest

"Cut Up Boys," Baccano! (Claire/Ladd)

Title: Cut Up Boys
Author: Laylah
Rating: not worksafe for sex and violence!
Word count: ~2500
Prompt: Claire/Ladd - blood blood blood - inertia creeps
A/N: YES, I know how little sense this makes. AND YET. I point you to this translation of one of the endings to the Japanese Baccano! DS game. I'm just running with the setup they gave me. :3

Cut Up Boys )

[info]bofoddity in [info]kinkfest

Last Lie, Final Fantasy VII (Tifa/Cloud(Sephiroth))

Title: Last Lie
Author: [info]bofoddity
Rating: PG
Warnings: Post-apocalypse scenario, twist at the end
Word count: 145
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII - Tifa/Cloud(Sephiroth) - possession - It wasn’t until she saw his eyes
A/N: This is very short and vague, with liberties taken with the prompt, so I apologize to the prompter for not being able to focus on this as much as I should have. But better a solid ficlet than a loose longer piece, I hope.

Last Lie )

December 2008



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