July 4th, 2008

[info]purkledragon in [info]kinkfest

Mirror, Mirror, Weiß kreuz (Yohji/Schuldig)

Title: Mirror, Mirror
Author/Artist: [info]purkledragon
Rating: PG13ish
Warnings: slight solo, voyeurism
Word count: 848
Summary: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most fucked up of all?
A/N: July 2: Weiss Kreuz – Yohji/Schuldig – two way mirror – “He wondered if he knew that he was being watched like this…”

(my apologies, I so mixed up my dates when writing down the prompt for this)

There's nothing like playing a game of Cat and Mouse with one of the Kittens )

[info]pleiades in [info]kinkfest

[Fic][Less than saintly][FF7:CC] Angeal/Sephiroth

Title: Less than saintly
Author/Artist: [info]pleiades
Rating: R
Warnings: Sex, swearing
Word count: 1276
Summary: Angeal tells Zack the story of what happened to Genesis's Loveless book.
A/N: Late, as usual, but enjoy! FTR, I laughed my ass off while writing this. Prompt: July 2--Final Fantasy VII - Angeal/Seph - office sex - desecrating Genesis's Loveless book

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[info]sarasa_cat in [info]kinkfest

Vendange en Vert [FFXII, Vossler/Basch, R]

Title: Vendange en Vert
Author: sarasa_cat
Rating: R (drunkness, sexual language)
Word count: 2430
Summary: Whenever Vossler tries to top, he bottoms. Sociopolitical-circumstances/Vossler and faithful Basch is there to pick up the pieces.
Prompt: July 4: Final Fantasy XII - Vossler/Basch - depression/friendship - "I'm comin' 'round to open the blinds; You can't hide here any longer"

A/N: 10-JUL-08 -- surprise out-of-the-blue beta Angstluver graciously whacked my typos and pointed out one paragraph of drunken Vossler that was way too drunk and backwards. Fixed. :D

A king of vines, presses, and barrels, lording over lands measuring little more than a hectare did not suit Vossler’s temperament. )

[info]shiegra in [info]kinkfest

threat, Air Gear (Kaito/Yayoi)

Title: threat
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: R/NC17
Prompt: Air Gear - Kaito/Yayoi - discomfort during sex/semi-con - what's mine is mine, and what's my brother's is also mine

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[info]cephy in [info]kinkfest

"Instinct", FF7, Vincent/Cid

Title: Instinct
Author: Cephy
Rating: R
Word count: 650
Prompt: Vincent/Cid - xeno – he never feels quite human, even when he looks it
A/N: I swear this idea was more cohesive before I started writing it down. ^^;

Of the four, it was the least human and therefore the most ruled by instinct. )

[info]threewalls in [info]kinkfest

Parramatta Road, Final Fantasy XII (Basch/Vossler)

Title: Parramatta Road
Author/Artist: [info]threewalls
Rating: WS
Warnings: some cultural stereotypes invoked, college AU
Word count: 3367
Prompt: Final Fantasy XII - Vossler/Basch - depression/friendship - "I'm comin' 'round to open the blinds; You can't hide here any longer"

Summary: "Sheila had introduced them, six months back, at the house-warming party after he and Noah had moved in."

A/N: With thanks to [info]lynndyre for encouragement and beta.

Parramatta Road )

December 2008



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