March 1st, 2008

[info]white_aster in [info]kinkfest

Partialism, Persona 3 (Akihiko/Junpei)

Title: Partialism
Author: [info]white_aster
Rating: NC-17, baybee
Warnings: Handkink in that "not really about the whole person" kind of way. Possibly Slightly disturbing obsession with broken bones.
Word count: 517
Summary: Junpei is fixated perhaps a bit too much on his senpai's hands
Prompt: Persona 3: Akihiko/Junpei - admiration turning into infatuation - Senpai has really nice hands.
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[info]cephy in [info]kinkfest

"Once a Turk", FFVII (Cid/Vincent)

Title: Once a Turk....
Author: Cephy
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Cid's cussing, but you had to expect that
Word count: 550
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Cid/Vincent: domesticity - let me do it

It was still a bit surreal, coming home after a hard day of bashing away at engine guts to find Vincent Valentine in your kitchen. )

[info]laylah in [info]kinkfest

"Security," Transformers (Ironhide, Barricade)

Title: Security
Author: Laylah
Rating: PG
Warnings: considerably more Prowl than the prompt called for ^^;
Word count: 700
Prompt: Transformers - Ironhide, Barricade - cyberpunk AU - a glitch in the system

Security )

[info]gardensgnome in [info]kinkfest

Fic: Same time tomorrow?, Bleach (Zaraki/Byakuya)

Title: Same time tomorrow?
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: blood and sex oh yeah baby ♥
Word count: 602
Summary: Byakuya learns he doesn’t mind the taste of blood
Prompt: Bleach, Zaraki/Byakuya: Battlefield sex - Dripping
A/N: I think this was the third or fourth start. They were getting too talkative…so now they’re silent XD Ah, first Bleach fic by me. Thanks to Chi for the confidence boot up bum aka quick read through *luffs*

Same time tomorrow? )

[info]lassarina in [info]kinkfest

(Untitled) - Final Fantasy II - Leon

Title: [untitled]
Author: Lassarina Aoibhell ([info]lassarina)
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers
Word Count: 177
Summary: Leon does not choose this.
A/N: For the prompt Final Fantasy II - Leon - Control and restraint - like fighting against a glass wall, invisible but still strong

untitled )

[info]stopthatgirl7 in [info]kinkfest

A Moment of Creature Comfort, Kushiel Series (Phédre/Joscelin)

Title: A Moment of Creature Comfort
Author/Artist: [info]stopthatgirl7
Word count: 666 (...I'm not making that up.)
Summary: Outside, there was a storm brewing, and it was a night, truly, where I was glad to be inside with a warm fire and the warmth of Imriel's cheek against my knee.
A/N: There was supposed to be porn. I planned porn. I had porn in my head when I decided to do this. And yet, when I started writing, it just wouldn't do it. I'm confused, too.

A Moment of Creature Comfort. )

[info]shiegra in [info]kinkfest

Candlelight, Baccano!, Firo/Ennis

Title: Candlelight
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: R
Prompt: March 1: - Baccano!, Firo/Ennis: physical responses - a human body is more than a tool
A/N: I made some somewhat last minute requests and our busy mod hasn't gotten back to me, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to post something. Also, I feel it is not what I wanted to come out but...I only had a day and I hope this is better than nothing.

a small room )

[info]windsorblue in [info]kinkfest

"Ballbuster", Star Wars (original trilogy), Luke/Leia

author: [info]windsorblue
title: Ballbuster
fandom: Star Wars (original trilogy)
pairing: Luke/Leia
rating: NC-17
prompt: strap-on/pegging - "You are the villain who sends her / A line of dark fantastic passion"

There are worse names to be called )

[info]ponderosa121 in [info]kinkfest

Shine a Light, Final Fantasy 8 (Kiros/Laguna)

Title: Shine a Light
Author: Ponderosa
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 1500
Summary: It takes a moment to clue in on what it is Laguna had interpreted from his intention to get some shut-eye, but when realisation hits it crashes in like a ton of bricks.
Notes: I ran out of time for any porn, but big thanks to [info]blue_soaring for cheerleading and for supplying all of Laguna's adorkableness. ^^

Read Me... )

December 2008



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