Jul. 25th, 2016


Tidbit - Briar & Reese, open to Riley

10:20am, 7M

Even a plane crashing couldn't deter Briar from her self-appointed mission. She was there to get back at Reese, and he was still alive, and therefore her target. She'd spent more of the day prior watching him than she should have, given the circumstances, but she was a woman on the brink of obsession. If only it could have been a plane crash of one. It was on this second day that she approached him, not because she didn't have the nerve until then, but because she wouldn't have been able to do so without devolving into a fit of rage and/or cursing at him with more cuss words than were in the English language. "I'd say this plane crash is your karma finally biting you in the ass, Reese Kalama, but you took a hell of a lot of other people with you. Then again, that seems like it might be your style. You have a thing for ruining other people's lives, don't you?"

Jul. 22nd, 2016


Characters: Riley and OPEN
Location: Re-entering the front of the plane
Time: 8:35am
Summary: Riley goes looking for a way to communicate with the outside world
Status: Thread in progress
Warnings: None yet

So when you’re near me, darling can’t you hear me; SOS )

Jul. 6th, 2016



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