Jul. 21st, 2016


Tidbit - Emmett & Cait

9:07am, 7M

He liked to think that he was a dutiful boyfriend, but Emmett also had to be a dutiful flight attendant. There had been an emergency situation, and his priority--once he had seen that Caitlyn was alive and moving--had been taking care of the passengers first. But once they were all off the plane and he could find no one else that needed tending to immediately, Emmett made a bee line for his girlfriend. Their relationship was supposed to be a secret, but in that moment, he didn't care.

"Cait," he sighed in relief as he jogged up to her. "Are you all right?" He held out a large arm to her.

Jul. 15th, 2016


Tidbit - Emmett & OPEN

It was 3:00am and, aside from the background rumble of the engines, things on the plane were fairly quiet. Many passengers were taking in a nap while they could, though plenty were still awake, either because they couldn't sleep or were unwilling. Emmett decided to make some rounds in case one of the wakeful patrons needed him.

Jul. 6th, 2016



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