Posts Tagged: 'john+spencer'

Jul. 29th, 2017



Public network - Monday, July 10, 10:15 AM

So, for those unaware, there's a billion kittens at the shelter that need home.

Granted, there are two less now than there were before I showed up ...

No judging.

Kittens )

Also, taking name suggestions. For reference, my horse is Rocket, and my two existing female cats are Chester and Marlowe.

Jul. 26th, 2017



Wolfy Nights

Who: Tris, John
What: Preparing for the moon
When: Sunday night, after sunset
Where: a cabin in the woods
Status: Closed, ongoing

Aroooo )

Jul. 23rd, 2017



Open Network, Sunday July 9, 8:15 AM

All right. Summer must see movies. Which ones, and why? Go.

Jul. 22nd, 2017



Open Network / Saturday, July 8, 9:00 PM

Another PSA from your friendly neighborhood watchdog. Tomorrow's the full moon so watch out for all our alter-species beings roaming the streets, the woods, the beach, and wherever else they go. Furry guys and gals, try not to bite anyone.

Jul. 6th, 2017



Open Network / Monday, July 3rd, 9:22 PM

So let's play a game. We all know it's illegal to skip the fireworks even if none of our esteemed officers have seen fit to remind us.

Since we all have to go, B, B, or B? Beach, Bleachers, or Backyard? If Backyard, whose? If Beach, what're you bringing? If Bleachers ... why?




Open Network / Monday, July 3rd, 7:18 PM

This is just a friendly PSA to remind everyone it's all fun and games until someone puts an eye out. So let's not put any eyes out and remember firecrackers can be dangerous to most people.

Keep it safe, people.



Like a Whirlwind

Who: April & John
What: Chatting
When: Monday Evening
Where: SeaStar Stables
Status: Closed, complete

There were worse places to be stuck waiting )

Jul. 5th, 2017


network post, monday afternoon, july 3 - open to all

Alright, who in hell bought the gas station out of ice and why do you hate me? Are you trying to build a snowman? Help me understand your logic here.

Jun. 30th, 2017



Fair, Round 2

Who: Jake, John
What: Fair!
When: Sunday, post-parade
Where: the fairgrounds
Status: Closed, complete

It wasn't like being here every day was a bad thing ... )

Jun. 27th, 2017



Lazy Days

Who: Jaime, John
What: Chatting
When: July 1, later morning
Where: Seastar Stables
Status: Complete, gdoc

Chit-chat )