July 6th, 2017



Like a Whirlwind

Who: April & John
What: Chatting
When: Monday Evening
Where: SeaStar Stables
Status: Closed, complete

There were worse places to be stuck waiting )



Open Network / Monday, July 3rd, 7:18 PM

This is just a friendly PSA to remind everyone it's all fun and games until someone puts an eye out. So let's not put any eyes out and remember firecrackers can be dangerous to most people.

Keep it safe, people.



Open Network / Monday, July 3rd, 9:22 PM

So let's play a game. We all know it's illegal to skip the fireworks even if none of our esteemed officers have seen fit to remind us.

Since we all have to go, B, B, or B? Beach, Bleachers, or Backyard? If Backyard, whose? If Beach, what're you bringing? If Bleachers ... why?
