May 10th, 2011



❛ Unbiddable, ungovernable – like a riot in the heart, and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture. ❜

Halloween, 1981. A prophecy fulfilled. A child's life cut short.

Rise if you're sleeping, stay awake.
In need of Order members, Death Eaters, and everyone else.

[No Subject]



Two days ago this was an empty lot, an abandoned field near the edge of town. Then the trucks rolled in, big semis huffing clouds of noxious fumes, and able-bodied men jumped out to set stakes in the ground, run string to mark off areas. The townspeople whispered excitedly as the posters and flyers arrived around town, posted on telephone poles and bulletin boards, stacks of them on the counters in shops.

The Dark Carnival was in town.

The tents aren't the gay red and white stripes of the carnivals of yesteryear; these are black and gray, burgundy and purple, dark jewel tones lit from within by lanterns and candles and blacklights. Torches burn at the entrance and a sign warns all who enter that they are lost. The Ferris Wheel is a hulking beast against the sky; carnies walk among the crowd dressed in leather jackets embroidered like a skeleton's infrastructure, weaving expertly between the marks. Barkers call to passersby, luring them in for the sights and sounds. Canvas banners ripple in the wind, which carries with it the scent of food cooking, the hot smell of machinery and oil.

There are cries of laughter and delighted squeals coming from the funhouse, the freak tent, the thrill rides. People walk out of the psychic's tent looking a little uneasy, laughing it off as hokum even as their skin crawls. And some of those shrieks from the funhouse... well, they sound a little too sincere, don't they?

This is the Dark Carnival.

Now seeking: fire spinners, dancers, magicians, barkers/game operators, ride operators, freak show acts, clowns and more!

We are a very active community with high standards for activity and quality writers on board. We are all-original characters and PB only!

[No Subject]

American Magical Institute: Not your normal High School. )



[No Subject]

In the beginning, there was only the Creator. And She created the world; its lands and seas, peoples and beasts. She created the Keeper, to rule over the dead. She gave the world to her people, whom She loved dearly, to do with what they would. The people multiplied, forming their cultures and societies, and were faithful to the Creator. And when there were many, the Creator made the Watchers: lesser deities to watch her people and report. You see, there are simply too many people for the Creator to keep track of, too many prayers to answer. The Watchers watch, and tell Her what her creations need.

But they speak in His ear, too.

She gave the Watchers free will, and perhaps that was Her greatest mistake. Not every Watcher is good. Not every prayer is answered by the Creator. The Keeper speaks to the Watchers, too, and He does not want for good in the realm of the living. He wants only to rule all, with the death of all things.

You, the player, are a Watcher, and the choice is up to you. Will you do good or evil? Which prayers will you answer? Which side are you on?

[No Subject]



Of sorting ceremonies. Of owl posts. Of quidditch matches. Of first loves. Of butterbeer. Of botched potions. Of guessing Bertie Bott flavours. Of house rivalries. Of dueling. Of divining. Of managing mischief. Of spotting the Giant Squid. Of passwords and secret passages. Of Hogsmeade trips. Of late night study sessions in the library. Of hanging out with friends in the common room. Of asking your crush to the Yule Ball. Of making magical memories!

Another next-gen Harry Potter game. But this one, we're running like a pb game. What does that mean? How about IC contact pages for random notes, owls and midnight musings? The ability to post gifs like magical photos? Allowable customs? Encouraged organic lines? A random community? We're offering just a few changes to utilize the journals and change the dynamic just a bit, but we've still got everything you love about HP games and world building---quidditch rosters and canon family trees and details on pop culture, clubs and professors.

And we know what you're thinking... Bad timing for a school game to start. But don't worry about that. With graduation, the carnival, a summer quidditch league and Camp Black Lake coming up, your students are going to be busy until September!

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We'll do first adds with 15 apps!

*photo by milliondollarempire@deviantart
*advert template found at [info]rp_tutorials