February 4th, 2011


[No Subject]


In the 51st century, Humanity mastered Time Travel. For centuries they had been interacting with other sentient alien species, in both positive and negative manners, trading or taking what technology they could and retrofitting it as needed. But time travel... Well, that was the epitome of it, isn't it? The power to do what you wanted, when you wanted. As close to godhood as humans could ever expect to come.

The dangers were clear, however. For thousands of years people had been thinking on what could possibly go wrong if that sort of technology fell into the wrong hands, or was used indiscriminately (one of the many reasons as to why it took so long for humans to even get it). So an institution was put in place, to train and guide the young men and women who would be given this great responsibility, to teach them ethics and morals, and more importantly, to tell them what to do.

The Time Agency is that organization. Beyond the law (of any planet, in any era), it decides what constitutes a high-risk activity, or when something had gone wrong in the past and needed to be fixed. Time Agents are feared and hated through-out the galaxy, in many different centuries, although their reputation can be as helpful as it is hindering. This is what they do.

Time Agency is a rpg community based upon the organization of the same name within the Doctor Who / Torchwood universe. There are few canon characters, and the plot is character-driven. See the FAQ for more information.

also there is probably a lot of space-sex, let's face it.

The Agency
Time Travel



Set on the west coast between Seattle and Portland, Capitol City is the bustling hub of the west. In the summer of 2010 Capitol City got it's first superhero, Young Guardian. 'Superheroes' had started popping up in cities across the world but these weren't just everyday people, they had real powers. Some of them extremely dangerous. With the arrival of Young Guardian there was the appearance of Doctor Omega, a man set on the destruction of... well, the world. As a city still adjusting to the idea of superheroes, some were terrified of Doctor Omega and those that had been hiding their powers, stood up. Scarlet Swift and The Sword joined Young Guardian, a force to be reckoned with, is Omega's done before he finished?

The Evening Courier is a game based around a busy and renowned newspaper office. When young writers dream of working at a newspaper they think of USA Today, The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Evening Courier. In a city constantly in danger, where will your journalist be? In the midst of it all? Or reviewing movies down at the local cineplex?



Plus 28 Days HP RPG

There's a New World Waiting For You
On October 31st, 1999, a group of eco-terrorists released a biological weapon at every major airport in the world. The infected became sick, then violent. Governments across the globe initiated states of emergency. Shelters were protected with Muggle troops and Aurors. The survivors had to wait – 28 days for the infected to die. The world as you knew it is gone. Remote areas are nuclear wastelands. Capital cities host survivors as they rebuild their lives. Governments – both Magical and Muggle – plan for the future of the human race against the backdrop of mysterious attacks.

Plus 28 Days is a plotty, adult HP game set in post-DH currently 1 year after the war. Game time is currently the year 2001. The Marriage Decree has been overturned, Eastern Europe borders remain closed to Magicals and the USA side has now opened for play. On our 1 yr anniversary, the USA was introduced for a Muggle-centric view of their part of the world. We work in world plots once every 3-4 months and are very open to suggestions.
Plus 28 Days has a core group of players who will not be flitting off anytime soon and we welcome the chance to make new friends. We play at a relaxed pace. Game history is easy to catch up on and the mods are extremely helpful.

We have a few spots open and we are also open to friends coming into the game together. Plotting is strongly encouraged but hey, we’re human and we like fun-times smut as well so 18+ please. Plus 28 Days is a laid-back RP environment - the drama is in our plots, not our players, and our world doesn't revolve around the trio - everyone is the "star" of the game.

We are recasting Hermione Granger (due to RL constraints). She has been lightly played and there is little history to catch up on for her. George Weasley is needed to reopen his shop in Diagon Alley!. A Blaise Zabini would have Draco, Theodore, Pansy and Daphne for company. Also up for recasting is Narcissa Malfoy - again lightly played. We're seeking a Lucius Malfoy that closely follows Canon (and who would enjoy being involved in some 'ebil' subplotting).

Game ~ Available & Cast ~ Apply ~ Rules ~ Premise
What will you do in the new world?

[No Subject]


The Wizarding World is more peaceful than it ever has been since before Lord Voldemort's first rise to power. It has had twenty-five years to heal and rebuild. Instead of preparing for a war that has been looming over their heads for years or hunting for pieces of a damaged soul, the students of Hogwarts have the chance to do what many of their parents missed out on -- being normal.

They're loving and hating every minute of their adolescence like a proper bonds that will last a lifetime. They're busy doing important things like studying for N.E.W.T.s, having parties, playing Quidditch, visiting Hogmeade, using Nosebleed Nougats to get out of class, attending school events, participating in clubs, smuggling in Wild-Fire Whiz-Bangs, and sneaking around the castle in the dead of night.

The year is 2023, Albus Potter's seventh and final year, and things are finally normal... well, as normal as they can be at Hogwarts. Because really, how normal are the enchanted Chocolate Frogs that end up in the girl's dormitory in the middle of the night or the missing bones in Rose's hand from a dueling gone wrong?



[No Subject]



What if heroes were forced to register into a government run database, revealing their identity and subjecting them to the will of the politicians? Which heroes would go along with the act? Which would resist? Who is responsible for protecting the world now? And who are the true villains?

As a part of the Super Hero Registration Act, the government has issued a law that any and all beings will special abilities are to release their identity to the Federation of United Nations. Even known villains are being subjected to the will of the world-wide governing organization and forced into rehabilitation programs where they will be offered a pardon for their crimes, so long as they follow the orders of the United Federation. The Problem is, can certain villains be rehabilitated? What are their true motives? Are they simply using their position as an tactical advantage to infiltrate and overcome global authorities?

Sure enough, directly under the eye of the UFN (United Federation of Nations), super villains are plotting an overtake of government, bidding their time and awaiting the moment for Dark Reign to begin…

Where will you fall in the midst of this political chaos? Will you join the Resistance and fight against the Registration Act or recognize the importance of diplomacy and work alongside elected officials (corrupt or not)? Or are you one of those taking advantage of the Civil War and have devious plans of your own? Will good over come evil or will the infighting caused by the UFN allow the world to fall into the hands of darkness?

[Premise based on the events of Marvel: Cival War and Marvel: Dark Reign.]

[No Subject]




Game started January 1, 2011.

game links.





How It Works


Mod Contact

tardis rpg.

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.

This game is like no other. It involves multiple points in time all connected through [info]tardis_net so there are multiple versions of some characters in play. It can be a bit crazy at times but a whole lot of fun!

Each of these points in time are different time streams. This means they are completely separate to each other, so what happens to Post-Meat Ianto doesn't happen to Post-Exit Wounds Ianto. Think of them as alternate realities branching off canon at different points in time, all connected via the TARDIS.

There are opportunities for time travel, for the Doctor to travel to distant planets and have adventures, for the Torchwood crew to deal with the rift and various episode plots, and for characters to visit other time streams via the Time Agents, the TARDIS and the Cardiff rift.

All of the characters listed below are needed by other characters in the game so you'd be assured of instant opportunities to play.

Imagine the possibilities...

desperately wanted.

Doctor Who
Rory Williams
The 10th Doctor
Mickey Smith
Original Torchwood Agents in Pete's World

Jack Harkness
Gwen Cooper
Owen Harper
Toshiko Sato
Rhys Williams
Original Torchwood Agents and Time Agents