August 20th, 2010



In Darkness - A panfandom


In Darkness




Character Directory
Player Directory

Most Wanted
Harry Potter
Lemony Snicket
House MD

They came at night, men and women in white coats with needles and drugs, chloroform and ether, invading the sanctity of homes. They stepped through portals and no wards or locks could stop them. They kidnapped individuals and took them to an artificial island for the purpose of observing them.

The Heads put their new subjects in rooms in a hotel, turned on their cameras, and settled down to wait. They were engaged in a social experiment, peppering their artificial island with rumors of a way back home, if only people could learn to work together.

But the people weren't simply left to their own devices. The Heads create hazards on a weekly basis to keep the population on their toes and to observe the effects of various changes to the environment. They want to see the formation of bonds of friendship and love, of animosity and hatred, and then test those bonds.

Is there an escape? Will it be found before it's too late? Can antagonists learn to work together? Come join us and find out ...

Open since June 13. Join today!


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Can the world go through despair again?

In the time before Christ, there were two ethereal beings. One of light, who ruled over Leflore for more than a thousand years; one of dark, who envied her, and did everything in his power to take over. A battle of good and evil started, one that would see no end. The two beings, however, were not permitted to meet each other. The fighting was done from the miles that separated the two. If the two beings ever met they would bring destruction to the entire universe, little did they expect is love between Light and Dark. Many centuries of battle and death of their own kind and other races, they found a deep love for each other amidst the hate and despair.

Centuries have passed and the war between both dark and light faded with time. Many creatures could rest with ease. Little did they know darkness crept back into all life forces, a new breed of darkness challenged the ancients of Leflore. Present day, the dark side of things had taken over the city of Leflore, and is being ruled by the new breed of darkness. But there was soon to be a war between good and evil again.

Light and dark of the old Leflore would join forces to bring a stop to this new darkness. Will it be enough? Will these two ill fated lovers be able to finally see one another? Or will they end the world by a glance? The fate of Leflore rests in the hands of newer races to bring down the hybrid race, and restore justice, peace and balance to Leflore before it’s too late.

Could it be possible it is already too late? Life hangs in the balance of misfits, killers, demons, angels, vampires, werewolves…and many other creatures of Leflore.

Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence.
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FAQ § Contact List § Cities § Domains

Ravenhurst | Definitely Dead | Supernatural High
New Worlds | Blame Canada! | Year of Paradox
Screwy Truths | Can't Take The Sky | Heaven & Hell
Magic School | Future Generations


Life As You Know It


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