January 12th, 2010



[No Subject]


Altamont Orlando World

Looking to attend a prestigious boarding school? Or perhaps one of the nation's top private colleges? Are you a teacher searching for a rewarding position as part of an outstanding faculty at a private academy? Maybe you're just looking for a nice place to settle down and call home. Whatever your needs, Altamont World is the place for you. With 3 active and well established communities and a new performing arts school and business, Altamont has all that there is to offer and is a place that you can call home. So head on over and apply today!

Altamont Orlando has been around for 6 years and is a PB/AU community based in Central Florida. At the center of it all is a fully developed boarding school, university, and a performing arts company. Residents come from all walks of life and can choose to work or play, or do both, with opportunities to create great storylines and intermix with great writers, and to have FUN. If you're searching for good writers and hard working mods, and more importantly, FUN, this is the community to be in!

WANTED: Seeking writers who are in it for character and storyline development. Students (high school and university), Faculty, Staff, and Residents. Please check the rules before applying.

There's no place like it
Game Info // Directory/Application
Mod Journal //


[No Subject]

Does anyone out there play Priestly from Ten Inch Hero?

Looking for either a het non-supernatural line, or alternatively a het line with as many supernatural creatures as you want to throw at me.

We are now a public game!






Taken & Held
"In the wake of the Cataclysm, the failure of the heroes Six, what are we to do now? What comes next when the world could not be saved?"

There was a great Cataclysm that had befallen the world. No amount of military might, nor technological prowess could stand against the wrath of the One. His anger was poised to burn the world.

There were Six who chose to stand against the One. They wielded great power in the form of the Constructs, a strength unlike the world had ever known. Their efforts were valiant, but they were in vain; the One caused a gamma-ray burst to scorch half of the Earth. His war caused the extinction of well more than half of the human race.

As a consequence of their failure, the Six were labeled Pariahs, and went into hiding. Nobody has known of their whereabouts for over five years.

In the wake of the Cataclysm, we have been carving out as many niches as we are able within the confines of the ruined world. Worse yet, are the Nulls. Inexplicable horrors, shadows in space-time, the Nulls roam the most brutal climes. Nobody knows where the Nulls come from, or what they do to their victims. Most avoid their Lands in favor of safer, greener pastures.

Among the ruins stands the Spire, a haven for those willing to seek it. Within its walls are idyllic lands created by man to satisfy their needs.

Vowing to protect the Spire are fighters known as the Savior Corps, who live in the ruins ready to battle Nulls who would try and take the Spire for themselves.

The year is 2140 in Boston, and you are a new recruit in the Savior Corps, ready to fight evil as the Six had.

We originally decided to start out as a private group storyline, but considering the nature of our game, we've decided to open it up to the public. We don't only want soldiers, we want survivors too of every age range and race., and we're absolutely slash friendly. This isn't to say, however, that this game should be taken lightly. As far as we're concerned, we're still an old fashioned GM'd game, so don't be surprised if the mod account pops up in a thread with a prompt. Just go with the flow. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via our dropbox. We hope to roleplay with you soon!




[No Subject]


Present day Aiode Falls, Maine is home to many residents from all over the globe. And Universe. The little college town is growing, and becoming home to more and more people all the time. Some of them have no idea how they came to arrive, and some can never go home. As the University gets darker with new arrivals harboring less than happy intentions, so does the city. It is now home to metahumans, vampires, humans, demons, ghosts, aliens and even celestial beings. All of them with defined morals (or none, for that matter) and each with an allegiance. Those without a chosen allegiance are considered fair game, as both sides subconsciously prepare.

There is a constant battle for good and evil in this town, and only one side can prevail.


X-2012, an x-game with a twist

The world was reborn
It was just over a year ago that a solar flare activated the X-gene and created mutants. Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr opened the Xavier Haven for these newly gifted individuals, but found themselves facing more challenges than they anticipated. A mutant riot pushed Senator Kelly's Mutant Registration Bill through Congress, the Sentinel Project is soon to launch, and the rogue mutant Sabretooth is attacking his own kind. The X-Men and Acolytes are both recruiting, what will you do in this new world? Join us and help build the future!

Wanted: Banshee, Beast, Cyclops, Deadpool, Freakshow, Havok, Jubilee, Nightcrawler, Storm, Sunspot, more X-Men, Acolytes and OCs

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