May 4th, 2009


Deadline Detroit- a Pan-Fandom RPG

Detroit is a city with a long history of crime and violence. Despite attempts to make things better the city continues to decline. One day, the universe decides to take matters into its own hands and starts sucking all the best of law enforcement into the city and forcing them to remain there, helping to save the city from itself. The city is stuck in its own time, cut-off from the outside world and anyone who was unfortunate enough to be in the city when it was closed off is now stuck there as well.


[info]wizardmod via [info]pacificacademy


Premise & Cast List & Pacific Crest Academy
Rules & Application & Game Directory


It's 2009 and while all is not well with the world, the young witches and wizards in America are more concerned with passing their classes than international politics. The second Great War has been over in the United Kingdom for ten years and even though the battle between Harry Potter and the Dark Lord Voldemort is an important part of any American wizard's History of Magic class, it is not given much thought beyond that. Yes, blood purism is wrong; yes, there will always be bigots out there; hey- isn't there a quodpot match this afternoon?

While the wizarding youth of America are more worried about pimples and passing their classes, their parents are keeping a concerned ear turned to the news that a group of well-respected muggles are claiming to now possess magical powers. These aren't the typical muggle who believes they are magically inclined- these are CEOs, politicians and community leaders. Is this all a hoax, are these people really developing latent magical abilities, or is someone else pulling their strings?

This is Pacific Coast Academy, one of the four most prestigious wizarding academies in the United States. The new term is just around the corner. Are you ready to go back to school?

[info]pacificacademy | [info]redwoodforest





rules | application | the mods
characters | wanted characters | hold a character
frequently asked questions for the concerned american citizen


You wake up to the smell of smoke.

In the year 2008, a virus swept North America. Ever vigilant for a pandemic, citizens boarded up their windows, stockpiled their canned goods, and turned their neighbors in to the CDC. Short wave radios fell off the shelves, evacuation routes were prepared. Gas masks and specialty filtration systems were distributed. Pills were available for those showing early symptoms. Pills that did not work. That were later replaced with cyanide as their active ingredient. For those who were brave enough to put their fingers near a loved one's mouth. The United States, Canada, Mexico, the virus swept down into South America and festered in the heat of the jungle. In some places it burned out. Superstition ruled and saved lives. But nothing stopped the virus.

You wake up to the crackle of dead airwaves.

Three months after the first diagnosed case of Currere Excessum was recorded, NATO approved Great Britain's use of nuclear force against the United States. It was assumed that all organic material would be reduced to ash under the impact. It was assumed that the Quarantine of the Americas would be temporary, at best. Any who survived the blast would be given the highest in humanitarian attention and medical care. The only American emissaries who knew of the plan lay incinerated in Washington. The Quarantine continued. The Americas lay abandoned. Empty.

(read more....)

- Supportive of both personal and game-wide plots.
- We have a list of wanted characters made for your convenience.
- There are plenty of in-game activities to provide opportunities for personal character development.
- NC-17 friendly, which also means the game is for players eighteen years of age or over. No exceptions.
- Slash, femme-slash and het friendly.
- Open minded newcomers to help implement important secret plot. Contact the mods!
- Radio Ops

Evolution: A Superhuman Original RP

ev·o·lu·tion: Change in the genetic composition of a population during
successive generations, as a result of natural selection
acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and
resulting in the development of new species.


It's been happening for the past few generations in secret. People possessing what few people could only dream about. People with the ability to fly; the ability to read minds; even the ability to turn into someone else. They're the next step in evolution. They've lived among us in secret, learning to cope with their abilities, some even pushing them to the max, and some passing the genetic code down to the next generation. Now their secret is out.

All it took was one moment. One moment that the whole world witnessed. In front of national television during a meeting of world's leaders, one man changed everything. A teleporter by the name of John Grimms teleported into the middle of the meeting and announced to the whole world what he could do that and that he wasn't the only one. He told them that there were people that could walk through their walls. He told them that there were people who could control their minds.

Now that the secret is out, everyone seems to be holding their breath waiting to see what happens. Not only the evolved humans, but the normal ones as well. Many think these people are a danger while others argue that they're just the same as everyone else. All eyes are on the government as the U.S waits to see what they will do about it. There are plenty of rumors but no fact. Will they round up all the people with abilities? Will they make them come forward and register so that they can be monitored? Or will they simply let them be? Only time will tell. Only one thing is for certain, the world will never be the same again.

Quick Links
Navigation List // Characters // Premise // Holds

Evolution Logs and Threads // Evolution OOC



[No Subject]


Present day Aiode Falls, Maine is home to many residents from all over the globe. And Universe. The little college town is growing, and becoming home to more and more people all the time. Some of them have no idea how they came to arrive, and some can never go home. As the University gets darker with new arrivals harboring less than happy intentions, so does the city. It is now home to metahumans, vampires, humans, demons, ghosts, aliens and even celestial beings. All of them with defined morals (or none, for that matter) and each with an allegiance. Those without a chosen allegiance are considered fair game, as both sides subconsciously prepare.

There is a constant battle for good and evil in this town, and only one side can prevail.


[No Subject]


Survive. Escape. Rebuild.


Fact: 1 in 1,000 people has a natural immunity to the Fury Virus. That means in the world 6,706,999 people are immune. 30,382 in the US. 4,301 in Colorado. 2,506 in Denver...

The Fury Virus was released early in 2012, by religious fanatics looking to speed up the apocalypse. Their idea was to purge the Earth of sinners, people unworthy to stand upon it. Those that were left would obviously be the righteous, those who had earned a place in heaven.

Their plans turned against them. The virus ran rampant, uncontrollable. No continent, no country, no city was spared. The infection spread everywhere, killing without mercy. In the end, only a small percentage of people were left alive. They were immune, but they were not the righteous. They were simply the ones who were lucky enough to have the biology to fight off the infection.

Then there were the others, a small percent of the population, that were immune to the killing effects of the virus, but were still changed. Changed into beings made up purely of madness and rage. They killed without thought or hesitation. Those that survived the virus without succumbing to madness were now forced to fight for the lives they were trying to rebuild. The creatures, those that were changed, were called Eaters, due to their appetite for living human flesh.

A group of survivors made the drive up Mount Evans, to the University of Denver's Meyer-Womble Observatory. There, they started a new life. For the last eight months, they've worked tirelessly, building walls to keep their new home safe. What they can't make or grow on their own, they raid from the mostly empty city of Denver. The Eaters still come, roving packs of them looking for flesh to sate their hunger. Those that are left must depend on each other to survive.

Welcome to Haven.

Game opens SOON.



[No Subject]
