November 21st, 2008


[No Subject]

[info]cityofhills via [info]sanfranmod
Application | Guidelines | Taken, Held & Pending

Our next adds are tonight! Get those applications in!
(Adds are done Tuesdays & Fridays)

City Of Hills is an aim and thread friendly PB/city based community set in San Francisco, California.

Writers of this community are promised to have control over their story lines. As long as things are kept realistic, the mod(s) will not worry about how much of whatever is going around; especially considering this is a city wide based game. If things get out of hand, the game will address the issue(s) as a whole then. Members of this community have a voice with us and their opinions and suggestions are always validated and taken into high consideration. We also will provide a lot of interactive opportunities for characters. All play by (PB) types welcome.

[No Subject]

The Gilded Age: A Hollywood Noir Storyline

The year is 1942, the place is Los Angeles, California, and the people are the brightest and richest stars of their day. Some of them will be immortalized later, others will fade into obscurity as time passes, but one thing they all have in common is that they are a part of the gilded cesspool that is Hollywood. Even in a time before the paparazzi and Perez Hilton, these men and women were known everywhere that they went, and anybody who was somebody knew them and catered to their every whim. The parties and the scandals were not much different from those that we encounter today, and the price to pay could be just as heavy, if you don't know the right people to help you out in a tight spot.

The population of Hollywood is not simply limited to movie stars. Private eyes, police officers, city officials, Mafia men, wannabes, has-beens, writers, directors, producers, hookers, drug dealers... they all exist here as well, and every one of them has an equal opportunity to rub elbows with the stars... or even to become stars themselves.

Welcome to Gilded Age, where the only thing that can limit your rise is your morality.

Moderator Journal | Rules | Characters/Holds | Application



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Premise--Rules--Question & Answer--Character List--PB List--Application--Helpful Links

Marriage or Azkaban?

That is the question Ministry officials are now asking captured Death Eaters. With the recent implementation of the Death Eater Reform Project by the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and his pet prophet, Seer Nesta, Death Eaters are receiving a second chance… but at a price. It is a high price to most involved, exchanging one prison for another. But is marriage to someone you do not know, or possibly a hated enemy, such a bad alternate to life in Azkaban?

[No Subject]

the PAST
A meteor shower bursts from space, raining destruction on the unsuspecting citizens of Smallville, Kansas but delivering to the Kent's a baby who will become known to the world as Superman : The Man of Steel.

Fourteen years later, the healing process has left the town's inhabitants with scars and secrets. A popular yet awkward teen by the name of Clark Kent attempts to decipher the meaning of his life and his clouded past, as he struggles with the transition from boyhood to adulthood, his strength and strange abilities set him apart from his peers.

Clark's loving, but protective parents, Jonathan and Martha eventually reveals his true origins. He is devastated by the discovery that the event which brought him to this world also killed the parents of his secret love, Lana Lang. As he struggles to make sense of his identity, Clark falls into an unstable friendship with young, well-to-do Lex Luther which eventually evolves into a rivalry and accepts his destiny that was literally written in the stars for him.
The past has been rewritten by Jor-El after the reconstruction of the Fortress of Solitude undoing certain major events in Clark’s life from his initial meeting with Lois Lane, Martha Kent gaining the senator seat, and major villains that wanted the blood of Krypton’s last son: General Zod, Brainiac, Doomsday and so on and so forth.

An event, that happened only to give his son, Kal-El; a somewhat normal life that included a world infected by the rocks that was once Krypton.

With the help of new allies, Clark continues his journey to save mankind from themselves and instill a sense of hope and security for the world as their rising savior. Now as an employee of the Daily Planet, as a reporter for the great Metropolitan newspaper; Clark uses his skills as a journalist along with the Planet’s resources which would allow him to keep track of ongoing events where he might be of help.

Largely working on his own, Clark’s identity is easily kept secret with just but a handful of allies that knows of his true identity.
the GAME
Guidelines ·· FAQs ·· Timeline ·· Application

11 . 12 . 08

[No Subject]

[info]content: Celebrity Role Play. First adds, November 26th. Lots of amazing roles open.



A Twilight RPG


Premise | Characters/PBs | Application | Children of the Moon | Quileute Werewolves | Vampires

We're in desperate need for the rest of Sam's Pack! We need them to get some awesome action scenes going. Not only that we still would like more Volturi and Denali affiliated peeps too please!

ALICE, Aro, BRADY, Caius, COLLIN, Demetri, Garrett, NAHUEL, PAUL, SAM, SETH, SUE, Tanya, and THE HUMANS are all wanted!

Crynhoi: A Harry Potter RPG



An AU Harry Potter Trio Era Game

Voldemort is dead and Harry Potter is assumed dead. The brave souls that fought have been mourned and The-Boy-Who-Lived has been celebrated as the hero of heroes. But now what? School started up again in September, but things have changed. Hogwarts is in no shape for students, so everyone's being shipped off to another location. A school called Sangster Institute! Headmistress McGonagall has some done away with the House system. The new, smaller castle is crammed with the previous year anxious to take their N.E.W.T.S., angry rumbles from student over dissolved houses, scrambled Quidditch teams and a lurking sense of unease. Ministry ordered Aurors stand at guards at the school and everyone's getting adjusted even now in November. Christmas break is on the horizon though, but so are those N.E.W.T.S. and the O.W.L.S. for those lucky Sixth Years that got out of it last year.

WANTED CHARACTERS Desperately Seeking: Quidditch players and Prefects, Hannah Abbot, Pansy Parkinson, Micheal Corner, and Dean Thomas are needed to sit their N.E.W.T.S. and add their own sort of charm, Eloise Midgen would be perfect helping Hufflepuff with all these Gryffindors and Slytherins especially if other Seventh year Hufflepuffs came and joined her battle, Romilda Vane would be excellent to help fill out the Sixth years girls and Sixth Year Boys are all free, and Angelina Johnson and Marcus Flint would be brilliant for our growing cast of alumni!

Click the wanted link for more!

This game is a Harry Potter Deathly Hallows game. We are DH compliant to a degree. We are also establishing more, such as the London school and the new location for the Hogwarts replacement school. There will be some inconsistencies which we are adding intentionally. We are friendly to all genders, sexualities, races. Past events, both book!canon and game!canon can be found at the timeline.