July 27th, 2011

[info]incanescomods in [info]incanesco_rpg

Hey hey hey! Lily here, all up in your RPG comm, setting up your date auction.

First off I want to apologize for not getting this up earlier. Excuses include a lack of sleep last night, busy morning, and an 11-year old register at work deciding not to let anybody close (it was trolling and I was not amused). tl;dr--I suck. :D

ANYWAY, so, here goes the date auction (many thanks to the fantastic Callie for the idea)! Below this cut is a list of people up for auction. If your character is not on this list and you want them to be, send me an e-mail ASAP (thespiffinator@yahoo.com)! Also below the cut are the rules. Play nice!

Date Auction Fancytimes! )