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Jul. 29th, 2012


WHO: Taisce, O'Brien, Luke, and (eventually) Ellie. (And a special guest appearance by Marty.)
WHERE: Uhhhhhh mostly at Chateau d'O'Brien, but there's a little bit of wandering initially.
WHY: Because Taisce and Luke are brats.
WHEN: July 29, 2019; late-afternoon
STATUS: In-progress

Taisce got distraction duty. )


WHO: Ellie, David.
WHAT: Small things.
WHERE: Left for David to find while Ellie is out and about.
WHEN: Late afternoon, July 29th.

----------------- )

Jul. 23rd, 2012


WHO: David and Ellie
WHAT: Dual comfort.
WHERE: Quarantine, Ellie's room.
WHEN: July 23rd, 2019; Immediately after this.
RATING: TBD, maybe a low-medium

Well, I've seen a lot of good things die
and I'm in an over emotional way... )

Jul. 21st, 2012


WHO: David to Ellie
WHAT: Gifts.
WHERE: Left outside of Ellie's quarantine room, for one of her other visitors to bring in.
WHEN: After dinner, 07/21

Gifts )

Jul. 18th, 2012


WHO: Ellie, Eli, Rory, assorted NPCs.
WHAT: Things go wrong.
WHEN: Forward-dated to Friday, July 20th, 2019. Late afternoon.
WHERE: The Death Chamber.
RATING: Medium/high for violence and things.
STATUS: In progress

i woke in a violent dream one day / saw my shadow slip away )

Jul. 14th, 2012


WHO: Taisce and Ellie
WHAT: Getting to know one another?
WHERE: The Supply Room
WHEN: 14 July; Afternoon
STATUS: Complete

* * * * * )

Jul. 6th, 2012


WHO: David and Ellie
WHAT: Beach times. And a little bit of mischief.
WHERE: Saugatuck, CT, a random beachhouse.
WHEN: Saturday evening, 07/07/19.
STATUS: In progress

I need a light, I need to know when I can break out;
tell me it's safe now.
Light a match and burn this all down... )

Jun. 17th, 2012


WHO: David and Ellie, eventually Issy
WHAT: Experimentally looting!
WHERE: Out and about in Ossining.
WHEN: 06/17/19, afternoon.
RATING: Medium for zombie killing?
STATUS: In progress

Him with his handgun and Ellie with her machete didn't seem like quite enough to fend off the masses. )

Jun. 16th, 2012


WHO: Leah and Ellie
WHEN: June 16, 2019; mid-morning
WHERE: Sing Sing; between Building 5 and one of the other office buildings
WHAT: Awkward Moving Day.
RATING: Low, probs.

★ ★ ★ )

May. 24th, 2012


WHO: David, open to reactions from Lilah, Ellie and Elliot
WHAT: Gifts procured on a looting trip.
WHERE: Left outside their respective rooms in gift boxes.
RATING: Undoubtedly low.

To Elliot )
To Lilah )
To Ellie )

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