August 15th, 2012

[info]nojewfrohere in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Silas, Luke, George, David (and Dog)
WHEN: August 16, 2019; wee hours of the morning
WHERE: A hallway.
WHAT: Finding another body. Silas gets caught at the scene of the crime. Luke, George and David are all GRRRRR.
RATING: High for bludz and stuff.

★ ★ ★ )

[info]stampitout in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Ellie & David.
WHEN: August 15, evening.
WHERE: E&D's room.
WHAT: Talks and things. Ellie gets a memory back.
RATING: Mediumm? Idk.

as we wait, rescue me / bring me home, give me peace )