June 25th, 2012

[info]reapinghavok in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Leah and Kori
WHEN: Forward-dated to June 27, 2019
WHERE: Sing Sing; starting off in the cafeteria
WHAT: Trying to rebuild the sisterly bond.

★ ★ ★ )

[info]bladesong in [info]immune_ic

Who: Wren and Mimi
What: Probably meeting new people
When: June 25th, Noon
Where: Library
Rating: G
Status: In Progress

She wasn't so much reading, as taking joy in a book that wasn't one of her old novels. )

[info]taisce in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Taisce; open to reaction from O'Brien
WHEN: 25 June 2012; afternoon-ish
WHERE: Outside his usual guard tower hang out.
WHAT: A SURPRISE! (And why Taisce should never have been allowed to play Plants vs Zombies, EVER.)
WHY: Because she can!
STATUS: Besides reactionary things, DONE~