June 17th, 2012

[info]prettydeadly in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Rae, open to post-scavenger-hunt reaction from Elliot
WHAT: A Father's Day scavenger hunt for her baby-daddy!
WHERE: All around Sing Sing!
WHEN: 06/17/19, morning
RATING: Inevitably low, maybe low-medium for flirting. :P

Scavenging for presents! )

[info]soeccentric in [info]immune_ic

WHO: David and Ellie, eventually Issy
WHAT: Experimentally looting!
WHERE: Out and about in Ossining.
WHEN: 06/17/19, afternoon.
RATING: Medium for zombie killing?
STATUS: In progress

Him with his handgun and Ellie with her machete didn't seem like quite enough to fend off the masses. )

[info]taisce in [info]immune_ic

Who: Taisce, O'Brien, and Luke
What Dinner
When: 16 June; Just after 7pm.
Where: Dining area
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

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