June 2nd, 2012

[info]prettydeadly in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Rae, Elliot, Evan and Marigold (NPC)
WHAT: A rescue, a reunion and an introduction.
WHERE: The government facility, Rae's room to start with.
WHEN: Forward-dated to June 4th, 2019, night.
RATING: Medium-high for language and violence.
STATUS: In progress

Her head craned to look out the window and down the hallway, trying to figure out what was going on, but she didn't see anything. )

[info]got_tangled in [info]immune_ic

Who: Casey, Anne and...Lucy
What: Returning a friend
When: Late afternoon
Where: On the path less beaten
Rated:Not very high
Status :In progress

Just another reunion )