April 8th, 2012

[info]prettydeadly in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Rae and Elliot, probable mentions of Allie, David, Leah and Evan
WHAT: Elliot returns to the record store... a little later than planned.
WHERE: The record store.
WHEN: April 9th, 5-6 a.m.?
RATING: Medium for language?
STATUS: In progress

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[info]reapinghavok in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Leah and Evan, with possible mentions of Allie, David, Eli and Rae
WHEN: April 9, 2019; 5-6 AM
WHERE: Charlie's infamous record store safehouse place thing.
WHAT: Ellis Island group is back. But they're late. Evan returns and has things to say.
RATING: Always medium, because language always happens.

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