April 3rd, 2012

[info]insurge in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Ataxia and Evan (posted in one comment to save time), Eli, Charlie
WHAT: Kicking the asses and taking the names. A.k.a. the Ellis infiltration.
WHERE: Ellis Island.
WHEN: April 8th, 2019, nighttime.
RATING: Medium/high for language/violence.
STATUS: In progress.

It was either respectable or insane. )

[info]prettydeadly in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Leah, Rae, Allie and David.
WHAT: Protection during the Ellis invasion... and a government attack.
WHERE: Charlie's record store.
WHEN: April 8th, 2019, nighttime.
RATING: Medium/high for language/violence.
STATUS: In progress.

Anxiety drew her features into a seemingly permanent frown and fear that her boyfriend would die out on that island had her on the verge of tears. )