December 18th, 2011

[info]scratchthesky in [info]immune_ic

Who: Brennan and Ellie.
What: Scheduled patrol and awkward bonding.
When: Backdated to 12/17, evening.
Where: NY Public Library, 2nd Floor.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete.

Brennan had posted his schedule for the Library on the door to the periodicals room... )

[info]scratchthesky in [info]immune_ic

Who: Brennan and Kate.
What: Brennan's scheduled patrol gets interrupted again.
When: 18 Dec. 2018, evening.
Where: NY Public Library, 2nd Floor.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

Brennan rolled his shoulder in the socket, still waiting for the wound there to stop healing and just become scar tissue like the rest of his bite marks. )