Ramblings of a Misanthropic Anthropologist

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January 11th, 2010

11:51 pm - Vienna Teng prompt 8, Hikaru no Go
Series: Hikaru no Go
Characters: Isumi, Shindou
Pairing: none
Type: futurefic
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Spoilers for most of the series
Word Count: 511
Etc: There are many "Hikaru tells Akira about Sai" fics...but I wanted one where he tells Isumi, instead. Needs lots of editing, but I FINISHED IT ON TIME!

8 and the ghosts in the attic / they never quite leave )
Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Megumi Hayashibara - Nemuranai Yoru Wa (Sleepless Nights) [remix]

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September 5th, 2007

06:14 pm - Blind Go meme
Ai Ling said I should do her meme...so I did.
recuperation meme
Five fics I almost wrote for Blind Go ... but didn't
because I'm a putz and finished nothing:
1. Tsutsui's stuck in a rut several years down the road and reunites with Kaga by chance. They escape their respective ruts and have sex.
2. Pirate AU, which died because it was very silly and I felt like I was copycatting Muri
3. Tsutsui pushes Hikaru in front of a subway train.....yeaaaaaaah.
4. Avatar: The Last Airbender crossover/fusion
5. Assassin or Ninja AU. Then I thought of a Naruto fusion, and remembered Muri's ninjafic which means I am a huge copycat.

There were a few others, but those were the major contenders.

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04:59 pm - Hikaru no Go - Third One Between
Series: Hikaru no Go
Characters: Touya, Shindou
Type: breakup, angst, drama
Pairings: HikaAki
Warnings: PG13 for angst, sexual references
Spoilers: nothing specific
Status: unfinished?
Word Count: 655
Etc: written for Blind Go, original post here, writing comm post.

Third One Between )

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04:54 pm - Hikaru no Go - Talent
Series: Hikaru no Go
Characters: Kaga, Tsutsui, Sai
Type: AU
Pairings: none so far
Warnings: Kaga
Spoilers: it's an AU
Status: unfinished
Word Count: 615
Etc: Submitted to Blind Go but written long before that. I've had this idea bouncing around for some time. Original post, writing comm post Might be continued in the future.

Talent )

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04:44 pm
Series: Hikaru no Go, Yami no Matsuei
Characters: Sai, Hikaru, Hisoka, Tsuzuki
Type: crossover, angst, drabble
Pairings: none
Warnings: deathfic, in a way
Spoilers: manga ch124
Status: finished
Word Count: 242
Etc: written for Blind Go, posted here. Writing comm post

Chuuto Hanpa (Half Finished) )

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04:23 pm - Hikaru no Go - Oops
Series: Hikaru no Go
Characters: Ochi, Ashiwara, and a surprise
Type: totally tasteless humor
Pairings: crack (the bad kind)
Warnings: PG13 for sexual situations and brain breakage
Spoilers: nothing specific
Status: finished
Word Count: 555
Etc: Written for Blind Go but I forgot to post it here. Original BG post, Original writing comm post

Oops )

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12:06 pm - WotD drabble - Hikaru no Go, Sapid
sapid \SAP-id\, adjective:
1. Having taste or flavor, especially having a strong pleasant flavor.
2. Agreeable to the mind; to one's liking.

Series: Hikaru no Go
Character: Hikaru, Akira
Etc: Takes place maybe ch168ish? Towards the end of the series, but with no outright spoilers.
Count: 240

Sapid )

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12:04 pm - WotD drabble - Hikaru no Go, pecuniary
pecuniary \pih-KYOO-nee-air-ee\, adjective:
1. Relating to money; monetary.
2. Consisting of money.
3. Requiring payment of money.

Series: Hikaru no Go
Characters: Mitani
Etc: My writing sucks. Mitani is a whore, which is her fault.
Count: 100

pecuniary )

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03:16 am - Hikaru no Go - Unspoken
Series: Hikaru no Go
Characters: Kaga, Tsutsui
Type: general angst, shounen ai, Tsutsui PoV
Pairings: KagaTsui
Warnings: PG13 for teenage hormones and angst
Spoilers: none, really
Status: unfinished, unedited, general suckage
Original post

So, here's a fic that I can't recall putting online before. Enjoy?
Tentative Title: Iiotosu (unspoken) )

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