May 2011




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Jan. 19th, 2011


Who: Eve and Jae
What: CUTE. And then MORE CUTE.
When: Wednesday, 8:50pm
Where: Outside the cafeteria.
Rating: SFW

When I grow up, I wanna be famous )

Jan. 12th, 2011


Who: Jared and Jae.
What: Trapped. In the dark. With each other.
Where: Equipment room.
When: Backdated to the night of January 9th.
Rating: PG-13 for cursing and potential violence.

Did you hear that? It's the sound of death... )

Dec. 26th, 2010


Vol. 2 Issue 1

Well, well kiddies, it seems that Idris has reopened after all. How wonderful for all of us, especially some of you who had some less than fantastic breaks. Allow me to welcome you all back with the obligatory new year issue. All this dirt made me realize just how much I’ve missed all of you. You know you feel the same.

You know you love me )

((OOC: This was posted during the night Christmas Eve. The newsletter is anonymous so no one knows that Clara sent this out.))

Dec. 21st, 2010


Holiday Gifts!

Gift Post
As mentioned in a previous mod post, we're going to start putting gift posts in one huge post rather than each character posts one~

So, comment below ICly with any Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, etc. etc. gifts! Remember to put down who they're to and what they are. And when/where they were given/left. :)

There's no deadline on when to have these, and no obligation to actually post anything! And, of course, as always, tag your character's name and the names of everyone who is receiving a gift please!

Feb. 20th, 2010


Who: Jae and Kiyoshi.
What: Kiyoshi gets some unpleasant news from his father (TANTRUM TIME) and then runs into Jae by the gym right after when they get the same idea for destressing (BRAWL TIME).
When: Friday evening, after Jae and Jannika's fight.
Where: Kiyoshi's room -> Araboth dorm stairwell -> outside by the sports complex.
Rating: Ummm. SFW, but... lots of cussing. And violence.

do me a favour, and break my nose. )


Who: Jae and Jannika.
What: Confrontation time!
When: Friday evening, following this thread.
Where: Jannika's room.
Rating: Here there be cussin', but otherwise probably quite SFW!

tripping over my steps it makes me sick )

Feb. 16th, 2010



Feb. 13th, 2010



James didn't have the energy/will to do personalized cards or the money for roses/cards. So he made a card and then made copies. He also attached a little thing of crackers to each one. Yes. Crackers. This is James we're talking about! He put these around Friday right after class, when most people were getting food/hanging out after class.


The following people found this card taped to their door with one of those little bags of crackers you get with cheap salads: Tory, Lendie, Rocky, Jae, Laura, LiShan, Dylan, Roibin and if you're a good friend of James but didn't get mentioned YOU GOT ONE TOO. )

Feb. 12th, 2010


Special delivery for one Jannika Björkstrand! )


Valentine Delivery to 7th Years

And finally Rocky is on to the last class. Mundie Studies wasn't far from the History class where the seventh years currently awaited.

Jae-Sok )


River )


LiShan )


Salvatore )


Moswen )


Ryan )


Embla )


Jannika )


Zeila )


Natalie )


Logan )

Jan. 31st, 2010


Nothing's right in this world

Who: James, Sam and Jae
What: James isn’t stable, Sam is like his step-father and that’s never good.
When: Monday just as class gets out for lunch
Where: Hallways near classrooms!
Rating: Most likely SFW

It’s all so overwhelming )

Jan. 26th, 2010


Who: Reo, Minnie, Kiyoshi and Jae.
What: Broken cameras! Karaoke! Fighting! And really wild things.
When: Saturday the 23rd, morning->... some later point in the day?
Where: Idris town (by the port hub), and then... SOMEWHERE WITH A KARAOKE BAR.
Rating: SFW (language)

Read more... )

Jan. 25th, 2010


Who: Chris and Jae
When: Monday after class
Where: Outside the dragon pens
Rating: Cuss cuss cuss

Jan. 10th, 2010


Who: Jae and Jannika.
What: Happy birthday, Jannie! Jae semi-reluctantly goes to deliver her present, and from there they talk it out.
When: Sunday evening, around 6:30ish.
Where: Jannika's dorm room.
Rating: TBA.

i'll still still be there )

Jan. 9th, 2010


Email invites!

From: LiQuan Xing <>
To: Devon Callaghan <>, Richard Rhodes <>, Agnes Sparrow <>, MingXia He <>, Viktor Ludwig <>, Mathieu Benoît <>, Evita Ayerza <>, Giselle Xiao <>, YueYi Shi <>, Abbey Gill <>, Deke Slayton <>, Roibin Vespers <>, Jae-seok Kim <>, Zeila Barros <>, Anya Panova <>, LiShan Xing <>, Elias Carras <>, Embla Guðrúnsdottir <>, Laura Rousseau-Smith <>
Date: Fri, Jan 8 2010 [11.48pm]
Subject: You're invited!

James has been sad missing rather upset lately, and I'm sure we've all had a hard week. So what say you guys to having an ice cream social for him tomorrow evening? Say, around 7pm? I'm sure we can all pile into his room. So none of those stupid faie friends of his would crash the party.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Arion Xing

Jan. 4th, 2010


Deke, late as always, left some gifts for some people in their respective common rooms. Because he's simply incapable, all of the gifts were professionally wrapped in a variety of holiday papers and had nice bows on them.

Cora )

Sparrow )

Jae )

Dylan )

Pea )

Ariel )

Kaevan )

Cid )

Penelope )

Viktor )

LiShan )

Evita )

Shelley )

Reo )

Abbey )

Oliver )

Leon )

((Let me know if I forgot anyone, because that would be my fault, not Deke's. He got just about everyone a gift this year. Life insurance is a good thing.))

Jan. 2nd, 2010


Who: Jae and Jannika
What: Catching a breather and break from the families
When: December 31st
Where: Jae's grandparents apartment in Seoul
Rating: SFW

Silence is so under appreciated )

Dec. 30th, 2009


Who: Open to all Rakiah students (+Jaidev :O)
What: Wrapping the Araboth common room!
When: Evening/Night, December 30th
Where: Araboth common room
Rating: SFW
Note: All comments goes in new ones to the post itself rather than as comments to the person above. That makes sense I hope?

'tis the season! )

Dec. 27th, 2009


Who: Jae and Dev.
What: Visiting~!
When: Sunday evening.
Where: Dev's home in Argentina.
Rating: SFW.

In which Jae is mauled by monkeys )

Dec. 25th, 2009


LiShan was a bit pathetic and ran out of time to get his gifts out before leaving for home, so all gifts we're mailed to the recipients homes Or current place they are staying.

Jae )

Anya )

Tory )

Jannika )

Devon )

Oliver )

Evita )

Reo )

James )

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