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Feb. 22nd, 2010


Who: Rocky and Samantha
What: Friend time
When: Friday night
Where: Zebul common room and Art Lab.
Rating: SFW

Read more... )

Feb. 16th, 2010



Feb. 13th, 2010



James didn't have the energy/will to do personalized cards or the money for roses/cards. So he made a card and then made copies. He also attached a little thing of crackers to each one. Yes. Crackers. This is James we're talking about! He put these around Friday right after class, when most people were getting food/hanging out after class.


The following people found this card taped to their door with one of those little bags of crackers you get with cheap salads: Tory, Lendie, Rocky, Jae, Laura, LiShan, Dylan, Roibin and if you're a good friend of James but didn't get mentioned YOU GOT ONE TOO. )

Feb. 12th, 2010


Valentine Delivery to 6th Years

After delivering to the 5th years, Rocky moved on to the 6th years' Magical and Mundie History class that he was happy to be out of and playing delivery boy instead.

Jai )


Rocky )


Oliver )


Misae )


Yitzchak )


Anya )


Rafi )


Samantha )


Laura )


Dylan )


Shelley )


Reo )


Minnie )


Devon )


Thiago )


Noah )


Ligia )

Feb. 10th, 2010


Who: Rocky, Ryan, Oliver (3somes are fun but lets pop it OPEN for anyone else to join)
What: Rocky sells Valentines for TFU and is also doing some member recruitment
When: Wednesday - lunchtime
Where: Cafeteria
Rating: SFW unless that filty mouth of Ryan's goes off (Boy you can never take her anywhere.)

Put a little love in your heart )

Jan. 14th, 2010


Who: Rocky and (OPEN to whoever opens their door)
What: Rocky collects goods for the Haiti survivors
When: Thursday night
Where: All four dormitories - He's making the rounds so anyone can tag a reply
Rating: Very SFW
NOTE: Please make a new comment for each person who answers the door. Roommates may tag onto their fellow roomies tag if already made.

Give a little help to the helpless )

Jan. 9th, 2010


Email invites!

From: LiQuan Xing <>
To: Devon Callaghan <>, Richard Rhodes <>, Agnes Sparrow <>, MingXia He <>, Viktor Ludwig <>, Mathieu Benoît <>, Evita Ayerza <>, Giselle Xiao <>, YueYi Shi <>, Abbey Gill <>, Deke Slayton <>, Roibin Vespers <>, Jae-seok Kim <>, Zeila Barros <>, Anya Panova <>, LiShan Xing <>, Elias Carras <>, Embla Guðrúnsdottir <>, Laura Rousseau-Smith <>
Date: Fri, Jan 8 2010 [11.48pm]
Subject: You're invited!

James has been sad missing rather upset lately, and I'm sure we've all had a hard week. So what say you guys to having an ice cream social for him tomorrow evening? Say, around 7pm? I'm sure we can all pile into his room. So none of those stupid faie friends of his would crash the party.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Arion Xing

Jan. 6th, 2010


Who: Rocky and (OPEN to people who want to bump into him)
What: Passing out candy and leaflets for Mitaartut
When: Wednesday afternoon and early evening
Where: Idris village
Rating: Totally safe unless people are mean or something.

spreading the word )

Dec. 30th, 2009


Who: Rocky and Pea
What: The couple visit Euro Disney
When: Dec. 31st
Where: Paris, France
Rating: Should be SFW

A place where you wish upon a star and dreams come true )

Dec. 22nd, 2009


Christmas is coming...

Rocky has donned a red Santa's hat and has gone from dorm to dorm delivering his gifts. He's been working hard on all his friends gifts (at least the ones he made). The following is probably an incomplete list and in no particular order.

Rocky made Mistletoe earrings and Mistletoe pin for Pea

Rocky made Crystal and Pearl bracelet for Free

Rocky made Diamond and Pearl earrings for Lendie

A handmade Glockenspiel for James

A Rocky made Gold and Garnet Flower Pendant necklace for Dafne

ARocky made Amber Snowflake pendant necklace for Laura

A dvd of Hackers for Nate, plus movie passes to the local cinema.

Tickets to the next Arsenal Football game for Jai

A Rocky made set of six Silver Celtic Conchos for Alec to add to his dragon's harness. (Celtic Knot 2 - FYI)


Presents from Lendie!

Early Tuesday morning Lendie placed all of her presents in front of the door of the person they were for. They were all neatly wrapped and clearly signed to show who they were for and who the were from. (Other than Salvatore's.) She didn't give Dylan and Dafne their presents because she'll be spending the holidays with them.

Free )

Alec )

Rocky )

Misae )

Viktor )

James )

Elias )

Logan )

Viitoria )

Shizuka )

Kae )

Jai )

Yitzhak )

Salvatore )



Miase Write me some letters of your holidays. Perhaps a bit of a selfish present.
Miase also gets this

Riane it is us in snowman form. Okay yeah that is a long shot.
Riane also gets this Hope it fits and you like it.

Rocky gets this plus an awesome CD of random music Pea put together.
Also Rocky gets this

Deke hope you like it!
Deke also received a CD and some money with a note that said it was for his special substance, it was her treat next time.

Happy Christmas!


Each of Kaevan's gifts were left outside doors with a little note.

Evita - I hope we can talk soon.

James - This is a protection amulet; it used to be mine, but I think you'd appreciate it more. Whenever you get scared, it will create a small forcefield that will stop anything or anyone from touching you.

Mac - a usb full of information on plovers.

Raine - Thank you for the cat toys!

Deke - I'm sure you'll appreciate it.


Elendir - As thanks for the work you've done with TFU.

Richard - As thanks for the work you've done with TFU.

Dec. 21st, 2009


More Presents

Early Monday Morning presents were left at the recipients doors. Each wrapped in green or red paper with the recipients name and the words "From: Laura" written on them in gold marker.

Anya )

Evita )

Nate )

Rocky )

James )

Misae )

Pen )

Oliver )

Yitzchak )

Viktor )

Salvatore )


Happy Christmas!

edited to include new friends

All are left to be found early Monday morning.

Pen )

Free )

Pen &Free )

Deke )

Jae )

Arion )

Elias )

Kaeven )

Sonya )

Oliver )

Rocky, Devon, Mathieu, Nate, Lendie, Laura, LiShan )

Mathey )



All presents come wrapped up in an appropriate box with a little postet note on top.

Rocky&JZ )
Rocky&JZ )

Reo" )
Reo )

Alec )

Pen" )
Pen )

Misae )
Misae )

Dylan" )
Dylan )

Oli" )
Oli )


Cards from James!

These cards are folded in envelopes and pushed under people's doors. They're a little... not-so-perfect and a little bent but he tried!











Dec. 15th, 2009


A small wrapped gift is left on Nate's desk with a card that reads:

Happy Birthday Nate!
Here is a little something I think you will appreciate.
Have a grand day and I hope I can help you celebrate!

Best Wishes,


Dec. 11th, 2009


[dance] Winter Ball

What: The Winter Ball!
When: Friday night 9pm-midnight
Where: Off-campus, Chateau Idrilain
Rating: Anything goes (please mark if the thread takes a turn)
Note: Curfew is extended JUST FOR THIS EVENT! :) Curfew will go back to normal afterwards. But this also means there will be a few more adults watching over the ball, just in case. As per most events, just put in the subject the characters involved and approximate time of the event!

Beautiful gowns and classic tuxedos... )

Dec. 9th, 2009


Who: Jaidev OT Rocky, (and Free if she's around!)
What: Jaidev gets some advice
When: Backdated to Tuesday after classes
Where: Rocky's room
Rating: PG

What becomes of the broken-hearted? )

Previous 20