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Oct. 29th, 2007


Tasty Werewolf Braains... (G)

Title: Tasty Werewolf Braains
Artist: [info]zephre
Characters: Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood.
Challenge: "Snape with a spork"
Media used: Wacom Tablet and Photoshop
Rating: G
Warnings: braaaaains... and Wizarding Disco.
Notes: The zombie, pirate, and ninja at a party is a running joke with my friend who made the challenge.

Order of the Phoenix Halloween Party: If Remus looked behind him, he'd know why Hermione was laughing so hard.

full size to my journal

Oct. 30th, 2007


Art: The Troll Scene (trio, G)

Title: The Troll Scene
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and a Mountain Troll.
Prompt: #21. Friend (general Table. Characters: Harry and Hermione.)
Media used: Colored pencils and Markers.
Rating: G (Gen pic)
Warnings: None.
Notes: For my [info]hp_art100's table.

‘Do something’ shouted Harry.
‘What?’ asked Ron.
‘Anything!’ bellowed Harry.

Oct. 24th, 2007


Art/5 kinks: Bad Boy! (HHr)

Title: Bad Boy!
Author: [info]sweet_lemmon
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter- Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Rating: R (just to be sure)
Table/Prompt: 5.1/ #1 Spanking ( My Table.)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warning(s): spanking.
A/N: For my 5_kinks table . *is shy*. I had some problems with this prompt- and I simply didn’t want to have Harry ‘spanking’ Hermione, so...
Let me know what you think.

Harry has been a bad boy..

Oct. 12th, 2007


Title: Untitled
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry/Hermione
Media used: Pencils, and Colored Pencils and Markers (for the fake colored version)
Rating: R- NWS
Prompt: #22. Interlace (General table)
Warnings: Not explicit nudity. Sexual intimacy.
Notes: Prompt #22 (Interlace) of my [info]hp_art100's table.


Oct. 8th, 2007


Art/HP_art100: Autumn Colors (Harry/Hermione, G)

Title: Autumn Colors
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry/Hermione
Media used: Watercolor Pencils
Rating: G
Prompt: #75. Fall (General table)
Warnings: None.
Notes: I did it for my [info]hp_art100's table. Prompt #75 (Fall).

You can see my Table HERE

Autumn Colors

Oct. 2nd, 2007


Art: "Professors?!" (HHr, NC17)

Title: Professors?!
Characters: Harry/Hermione, Miss Filch (Mr. Filch and Madam Pince’s daughter.)
Challenge: Inspired by [info]erotic_elves's 'At Hogwarts' Challenge
Rating: NC-17
Media used: Pencil
Warnings: Sexual Intercourse...Semi-Public Place, a desk, a watcher...
AN: A super-fast drawing- Okay, here, twenty years after the final battle, Harry and Hermione decided to work in Hogwards as teachers...



Art: Bookworms (Harry/Hermione)

I realized i haven't post it here, so-
Title: Bookworms
Author: [info]sweet_lemmon
Media: Pencil and PS
Rating: R (I think)
Table/Prompt: 5.1/ #2 Bondage
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warning(s): Bondage, anal sex.
A/N: My first post on [info]5_kinks- actually, my first bondage. *is shy*.
So, beware of the warnings...there’s nothing ‘really’ explicit, but...

Link to [info]5_kinks: Here

or to My Journal

Sep. 27th, 2007


Art/HP_art100: Like Every Day (Harry/Hermione, PG)

Title: Like every day
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry/Hermione
Media used: Pencil
Rating: PG
Prompt: #69. Morning (General table)
Warnings: None. . Apparently there’s something NWS
Notes: I drew it for my hp_art100's table. Prompt #69 (Morning).

Like Every Day

Sep. 22nd, 2007


Art: Granger (Hermione, G)

Title: Granger
Characters: Hermione
Challenge: Nope
Rating: G
Media used: Pencil, Pen and PS
Warnings: None, I think
AN: I think I went crazy with her hair...:P
Ah, I also made a second colored version of ‘French Lessons’ (Bill/Fleur, NWS), and I think is a little better. If you want to take a look: It's Here.


Sep. 20th, 2007


Art: Seven Seas (Harry/Hermione, Pg)

Title: Seven Seas
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry/Hermione
Media used: Colored Pencils
Prompt: #6. Pirate (General)
Rating: Pg
Con-crit?: Yep.
Warnings: none, I think
Notes:Pirate!Harry and Hermione. For my hp_art100’s Table Prompt #6: Pirate. I
Seven Seas

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!!

Sep. 19th, 2007


Art: That Granger Girl (Hermione, Pg13)

Just something to 'celebrate' Hermione's birthday!
Title: That Granger Girl
Characters: Hermione
Challenge: Nope
Rating: PG13, but -maybe- NWS
Media used: Pencil, Pen and PS
Warnings: In Portuguese there's a word for this: 'cofrinho' (something like "'safetie'/small safe") , but I have no idea how it is called in English- so, let's say...'half bum'. :P
AN: Ah! It was inspired by Manara. :)
Happy Birthday, Hermione!

Sep. 4th, 2007


Art: Hermione's new shoes' (HHr, NWS)

Title: Hermione's new shoes
Characters: Harry&Hermione
Challenge: Nope
Rating: R
Media used: Colored Pencils and PS's Blur Tool
Warnings: Boots and sexual intimacy.
AN: Just for fun! The characters represented in this pic are over 18. :P

Hermione’s new shoes

Aug. 30th, 2007


Snowy Eve- Harry&Hermione

Title: Snowy Eve.
Characters: Harry&Hermione
Challenge: Nope
Rating: G
Media used: Colored Pencils
Warnings: DH Spoilers
AN: A scene from 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'- chapter 16.

the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death

Aug. 29th, 2007


Art- "Happiness at last" (Harry/Hermione- Pg)

Title: Happiness at last
Artist(s): [info]sweet_lemmon
Rating: PG
Warnings:Boxers and an almost kiss?
Media:Colored Pencils
Notes/Comments: A belated birthday gift to Lelymarques (LJ). My first post here! :) I hope I did nothing wrong!

Happiness at last )

Aug. 16th, 2007


Oldie but Goodie Post-a-thon: Ginny/Hermione from 2005

Title: Rubber Ducky
Artist(s): [info]la_fono
Rating: PG-13 for boobs and ogling ;P
Characters/Pairings Ginny/Hermione
Media: Pen, a little photoshop extra shading
Notes/Comments: My first piece of shippy art! I still like Ginny's shoulders.

In the bathroom )

Aug. 14th, 2007


Oldie but Goodie Post-a-thon: Pirate!Hermione from 2006

Title: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better
Artist(s): [info]twilightsorcery
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: pirate!Hermione
Media: Photoshop
Notes/Comments: This was a quickie for Hermione's birthday last year that turned out to be one of my all-time favorites.

Pirate!Hermione below the cut )

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