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Nov. 20th, 2007


Art: Lone (Hermione, R)

Title: Lone
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Hermione
Media used: Watercolors
Challenge?: Yep. [info]hp_fringeart’s challenge on LJ. Watercolor.
Rating: soft R
Warnings: not explicit nudity.


Nov. 13th, 2007


Charlie/Tonks, R, NWS

Title: Float there and watch it all
Artist(s): [info]ships_harry
Rating: Definite R, NWS.
Warnings: Possibly dark?
Characters/Pairings: Charlie Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Media: PS + Tablet
Notes/Comments: Another quick scribble. I think I'm trying to exorcise some of the laborious fest stuff with quick things.
Artbeta? Again, please feel free to point stuff out, but this is essentially a coloured doodle.

(ANOTHER cut to journal. I am Teh Spamster today. Last one, I promise.)


Draco/Hermione, M, NWS

Title: Surprise het :)
Artist(s): [info]ships_harry
Rating: M for topless lass and bloke? Not work safe.
Warnings: None.
Characters/Pairings Draco/Hermione
Media: PS and tablet (and a couple of filters, because it was speedy and I was laaaaazy)
Notes/Comments: Er. I have to admit that this ship doesn't interest me in the least. Although, I probably wouldn't be averse to reading it, because... well, because there are very few pairings I actively dislike. But mostly meh. It's just that the scribbly roughs for the faces started looking like these two, so I thought I might as well run with it :).
Artbeta? Nah, s'just a scribble. Unless something jumps out, in which case, by all means :).

(Cut to journal :) )

Nov. 7th, 2007


Drawble, Lucius/Harry, NWS

Title: In which Lucius rescues Scarlet from fluff
Artist(s): [info]ships_harry
Rating: M
Warnings: Implied dubcon, at least
Characters/Pairings Lucius/Harry
Media: Tablet, PS, and a scratchy scratchy little chalk brush
Notes/Comments: I'll probably fix this up and turn it into an actual picture at some point... it's just a drawble. Because, hey, I post ten minute drabbles... so why not a ten-or-twenty minute scribbled pic? Right? Take back the art, y'all ;).
Artbeta? (Always welcome. I know I'm gonna have to do something with Harry's shoulders...

(To my journal ☺)

Oct. 27th, 2007


Green, Harry/Draco, rated R, NWS

Title: Green
Artist(s): [info]ships_harry
Rating: R for nudity
Warnings: sappy and NWS
Characters/Pairings Harry/Draco
Media: PS and tablet
Notes/Comments: Tidied up quickly to have something to post today :).
Artbeta? No, actually, because I know this one is rough :).

(Cut to my journal)

Oct. 24th, 2007


Art/5 kinks: Bad Boy! (HHr)

Title: Bad Boy!
Author: [info]sweet_lemmon
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter- Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Rating: R (just to be sure)
Table/Prompt: 5.1/ #1 Spanking ( My Table.)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warning(s): spanking.
A/N: For my 5_kinks table . *is shy*. I had some problems with this prompt- and I simply didn’t want to have Harry ‘spanking’ Hermione, so...
Let me know what you think.

Harry has been a bad boy..

Oct. 12th, 2007


Title: Untitled
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry/Hermione
Media used: Pencils, and Colored Pencils and Markers (for the fake colored version)
Rating: R- NWS
Prompt: #22. Interlace (General table)
Warnings: Not explicit nudity. Sexual intimacy.
Notes: Prompt #22 (Interlace) of my [info]hp_art100's table.


Oct. 2nd, 2007


Art: Bookworms (Harry/Hermione)

I realized i haven't post it here, so-
Title: Bookworms
Author: [info]sweet_lemmon
Media: Pencil and PS
Rating: R (I think)
Table/Prompt: 5.1/ #2 Bondage
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warning(s): Bondage, anal sex.
A/N: My first post on [info]5_kinks- actually, my first bondage. *is shy*.
So, beware of the warnings...there’s nothing ‘really’ explicit, but...

Link to [info]5_kinks: Here

or to My Journal

Sep. 21st, 2007


Art: French Lessons (Bill/Fleur, R)

Title: French Lessons
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Bill/Fleur
Media used: Pen and PS
Rating: R
Warnings: Some Nudity and sexual intimacy
Notes:My first Bill and Fleur ever!

Fleur decided Bill needs to learn more about French grammar.

Sep. 4th, 2007


Art: Hermione's new shoes' (HHr, NWS)

Title: Hermione's new shoes
Characters: Harry&Hermione
Challenge: Nope
Rating: R
Media used: Colored Pencils and PS's Blur Tool
Warnings: Boots and sexual intimacy.
AN: Just for fun! The characters represented in this pic are over 18. :P

Hermione’s new shoes

Aug. 24th, 2007


First Kiss

Title: Fisrt Kiss
Artist(s): [info]arcencielfw
Rating: PG15/R? for a Kiss
Warnings: m/m slash
Characters/Pairings Snape/Harry
Media: coloured pencil watersoluble
Notes/Comments: The first kiss of Harry and Severus after the victory.
Artbeta? no

(Look at...)

Aug. 23rd, 2007


Oldie but Goodie Post-a-thon: Bellatrix/Narcissa from 2006

Title: The Bride Room
Artist(s): [info]twilightsorcery
Rating: R
Warnings: dubcon, infidelity, bit of a nipple
Characters/Pairings: Bellatrix/Narcissa
Media: Photoshop
Notes/Comments: [info]witchwinter gift for [info]lottelita. I worked for ages and ages on it (too long, probably) but I'm happy with the result. Especially the frost on the window. :) ::pimps [info]witchwinter::

NON-WORKSAFE art below the cut )

Aug. 19th, 2007


More old art! ;^D (Though this is a crossover one . . .)

I hope no one minds, but this one of my favorite old artses.  I decided I'd upload this one today after riffling through my art folder.  :^)

Artist(s): [info]avialle
Rating:  R
Warnings:  naked bits showing on Severus
Characters/Pairings:  crossover between HP & Dragonlance; Raistlin/Snape
Media:  Photoshop Elements & Wacom Tablet
Notes/Comments:  I know this is a crossover, so may not exactly be appropriate for here, but let me know if anyone has a problem that one of the characters isn't from the HP-verse and I'll just delete it and put something else.  Though if you squint, you can pretend it's Lucius.  *LOL!*  This is one of my favorite pics though just because I love the poses and the emotionality of it. . . it's actually the second version I did of the piece; the first had Severus's legs positioned differently.  And yes, I'm painfully aware they're floating in the air.  *ROFLMAO!*


ART: "A Taste Of Dark And Light" (Snape/Lily, R)

Title: A Taste of Dark and Light
Artists: [info]calyxess & [info]lizardspots
Rating: Hard R, NWS
Characters/Pairings: Young Snape/Lily
Warnings: artist voyeurism, ahahahah!
Media: Photoshop and Open Canvas
Notes/Comments: New art from a collab between [info]lizardspots and myself! Yay!! 8D

A Taste of Dark and Light )


"Oldie but Goodie" Post-a-thon: Harry/Draco

Title: In the bathtub
Artist(s): [info]gold_loewin
Rating: R
Warnings: Not Work Safe
Characters/Pairings Harry/Draco
Media: watercolor, ps
Notes/Comments: This was my first piece of Harry Potter fanart ever! :) I can't believe that it is already 4 months old...!

Link to my journal

Aug. 17th, 2007


More oldies but goodies! :^D

Title: A Severus Sandwich (?) X^D
Artist(s): [info]avialle
Rating: PG-13/R (?) I've never been good at ratings . . .
Warnings: naked men laying on each other but no bits are showing
Characters/Pairings It's an implied threesome actually: Lupin/Snape/Black ;^)
Media: Photoshop Elements & Wacom Tablet
Notes/Comments: Done a long while ago, another one of those pics that I've never showed off . . . some of the anatomy is wonky . . . not as keen on Snape's face as I once was, and Sirius's head is kind of askew . . . Plus, I know a lot of people hate him with short hair, but I tried to comply with canon which mentioned that he cut it at some point after PoA. :^P  I guess this is all to prove I can draw more than Snaco.  :^P  *ROFLMAO!*

Aug. 16th, 2007


Bill and Draco

Title: Bill likes his meat bloody
Artist(s): [info]ships_harry
Rating: R
Warnings: NOT WORK SAFE, no visible bits, clearly shagging, bit of blood. It is *not* non-con, though :-).
Media: PS and tablet (freckles-brush is *fun*!!)
Notes/Comments: My journal entry has more rambling about the weird porny dream that led to the pic. Also, I don't think I've ever read any Bill/Draco. Can anyone rec one? (or *write* one?) The pairing seems awesome, and I can't believe it's never occurred to me before. It's not an oldie-but-goodie, it's a this-afternoon-ie, hope that's okay. (Oh, *weird*, there's no Post-to option on the main update page, only on the portal one! Nearly drove me mad!)
Artbeta? I would love feedback on stuff. Cos, like, Draco doesn't line up with the wall. And the colouring doesn't really suit the picture. And it would be dead handy to have more things like that pointed out to me, so that I can get better. Y'know?

Again, not work safe, R, small amount of blood )

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November 2009



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