January 11th, 2009

[info]zephre in [info]hpfanart

A Festival of Art: slash/femslash

Title: September
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: G
Characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Medium: Photoshop
Summary: Back-to-school is no longer quite so onerous as it once was.
A/N: Drawn for the </a></strong></a>[info]lupin_snape 2009 Desktop Calendar project.

A Night Out, Delayed
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Snape/Sirius
Summary: "This isn't a problem. Just give me five minutes."
A/N: AU, obviously, with Very 70s Muggle Clothes. drawn for [info]red_day_love

Title: The Gift
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: R, NWS
Characters/Pairing: Millicent/Rosmerta
Summary: Christmas upstairs at the Three Broomsticks
A/N:  drawn for [info]red_day_love

Title: Morning Tea
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Summary: a very sepia morning
A/N:  drawn for [info]red_day_love

[info]mayflo in [info]hpfanart

2008 Art Collection

Title: Harry Potter and the Black Cat
Artist(s): [info]mayflo
Rating: PG-13 (just in case)
Warnings: Girly boy ahead!
Characters/Pairings H/D
Media: Photoshop + Illustrator
Notes/Comments: Been ages since I posted anything new o_O This was going to be a Halloween art but was interrupted by a job and missed it so some adjustments were needed :9
Artbeta? Nope

Link: Jump to my LJ


Title: Danae Remix
Artist(s): [info]mayflo
Rating: PG-13 (just in case)
Warnings: Whatever warnings and apologies that come with a remix.
Characters/Pairings Draco
Media: Photoshop
Notes/Comments: Gustav Klimt's Danae remix :9
Artbeta? Nope

Link: Jump to my LJ


Title: Ever Long
Artist(s): [info]mayflo
Rating: PG
Warnings: Pre-kiss
Characters/Pairings H/D
Media: Photoshop
Notes/Comments: Originally titled Last Kiss but overall mood doesn't portray any d00m so once again, a last minute change *heh* Tried to give it a watercolour-ish look but failed miserably T_T
Artbeta? Nope

Link: Jump to my LJ


Title: Lucius Remix
Artist(s): [info]mayflo
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Characters/Pairings Lucius
Media: Photoshop
Notes/Comments: This is another remix, but of my own old art. I've been wanting to do this for quite sometime but I couldn't decide which one to remix. But this came rather spontaneously.
Artbeta? Nope

Link: Jump to my LJ


Title: Holly Night
Artist(s): [info]mayflo
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Characters/Pairings H/D
Media: Photoshop
Notes/Comments: Drawn for the HD Fanart comm's advent Christmas posts at LJ.
Artbeta? Nope

Link: Jump to the comm