December 8th, 2007

[info]littleblackbow in [info]hpfanart

Title: Sirius' Portraits
Artist(s): [info]littleblackbow
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Characters/PairingsJust Sirius :D
Media: Watercolor/pencil
Notes/Comments: I like Sirius with some gray hair. There are two portraits here from a series of watercolors. I have some of the other charries, too, but they're not scanned yet.
Artbeta? not really. However, comments are always welcome. I know some anatomy is off - some of it is a stylistic choice. :P

Sirius Portriats )

[info]melmoe1 in [info]hpfanart

Art Ron/Lucius- for 10_themes prompt Spanking

Title: Bad Boy
Author/Artist: Mel
Character/Pairing/Group: Ron/Lucius
Media: Pencil, Photoshop
Warnings: Spanking/Nudity
Genres: slash
Disclaimer: This story/art is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Done for 10_themes table 10/Spanking.
A/N: I started this one first, but had to take a break, the angles were something very new for me, and I have never attempted Lucius before. It was hard to get him not to look too much like Draco. Anyway, here it is.

Link To My IJ

[info]melmoe1 in [info]hpfanart

Art Ron/Seamus- for 10_themes prompt Dirty Talk

Title: Speak softly
Author/Artist: Mel
Character/Pairing/Group: Ron/Seamus
Media: Pencil, Photoshop
Warnings: None
Genres: slash
Disclaimer: This story/art is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Done for 10_themes table 10/Dirty Talk

[info]zephre in [info]hpfanart

Triptych: Malfoy Manor (R)

Title: Triptych: Malfoy Manor
Artist(s): [info]zephre
Rating: R (NWS)
Warnings: sex
Characters/Pairings Draco Malfoy/Luna Lovegood
Media: line art in Photoshop, coloring in Painter
Notes/Comments: This is my first attempt to color a line drawing in Painter. It is a very frustrating program, but I think I managed to get a hang of the oil pastel brush, at least. HP Art100 prompt #55:Intimacy

(some secrets the cellar keeps)
link goes to my journal