November 21st, 2007

[info]ships_harry in [info]hpfanart

NWS PG drawble - Harry/Draco snuggling.

Title: Erik's Birthday Drawble
Artist(s): [info]ships_harry
Rating: PG-ish for shirtless cuddling?
Warnings: None
Characters/Pairings Harry/Draco
Media: PS and tablet, and the brush for which I will divorce my husband ;).
Notes/Comments: It's just a drawble, really, but it looks quite nice. Sticking to black and white kept it fast, and made it pretty easy to clean up.
Artbeta? Fer sure! First thing I've drawn since getting feedback from [info]artisticentropy... and I admit, I didn't formally follow anything. But I had some of it in mind, and I think their faces make a bit more sense?

(Cut to journal)

[info]xnuinx in [info]hpfanart

Title: None, really
Artist(s): [info]xnuinx
Rating: G-PG13
Warnings: Umm, there are other arts than HP ones? lol
Characters/Pairings Cho Chang, Bellatrix Lestrange among others.
Media: Pencil drawings
Notes/Comments: This is my first post to this lovely community *waves* So I'm posting a link to the rest of my art as well, if anyone is interested. They range from G to R in rating and a variety of media, lol. Here for the previous art posts on my journal.

And this is the most recent one with Cho and her swan patronus as well as mostly some doodle sketches.
( Fake Cut through here! )