November 13th, 2007

[info]ships_harry in [info]hpfanart

Draco/Hermione, M, NWS

Title: Surprise het :)
Artist(s): [info]ships_harry
Rating: M for topless lass and bloke? Not work safe.
Warnings: None.
Characters/Pairings Draco/Hermione
Media: PS and tablet (and a couple of filters, because it was speedy and I was laaaaazy)
Notes/Comments: Er. I have to admit that this ship doesn't interest me in the least. Although, I probably wouldn't be averse to reading it, because... well, because there are very few pairings I actively dislike. But mostly meh. It's just that the scribbly roughs for the faces started looking like these two, so I thought I might as well run with it :).
Artbeta? Nah, s'just a scribble. Unless something jumps out, in which case, by all means :).

(Cut to journal :) )

[info]ships_harry in [info]hpfanart

Charlie/Tonks, R, NWS

Title: Float there and watch it all
Artist(s): [info]ships_harry
Rating: Definite R, NWS.
Warnings: Possibly dark?
Characters/Pairings: Charlie Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Media: PS + Tablet
Notes/Comments: Another quick scribble. I think I'm trying to exorcise some of the laborious fest stuff with quick things.
Artbeta? Again, please feel free to point stuff out, but this is essentially a coloured doodle.

(ANOTHER cut to journal. I am Teh Spamster today. Last one, I promise.)